
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Femto OS v 0.91 - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Ruud Vlaming
00003  *
00004  * This file is part of the Femto OS distribution.
00005  *
00006  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00008  * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
00009  *
00010  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00011  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013  * GNU General Public License for more details.
00014  *
00015  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00016  * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
00017  *
00018  * Please note that, due to the GPLv3 license, for application of this
00019  * work and/or combined work in embedded systems special obligations apply.
00020  * If these are not to you liking, please know the Femto OS is dual
00021  * licensed. A commercial license and support are available.
00022  * See for details.
00023  */
00042 /* This this the only include needed in your code .*/
00043 #include "femtoos_code.h"
00045 /* For this application i choose for a decent, that is concurrency protected, way
00046  * to flip a ledbit. Inverting a bit cannot be compiled to an atomic instruction by gcc. */
00047 static void invLed(Tuint08 lednr)
00048 { taskEnterSwitchCritical();
00049   devLedPORT ^= (1 << lednr);
00050   taskExitSwitchCritical(); }
00052 /* Writing a number to the display need such a protection too. By using a mask we can write
00053  * a number to a specific part of the display, leaving the rest as is. */
00054 static void setNumber(Tuint08 mask,Tuint08 number)
00055 { taskEnterSwitchCritical();
00056   devLedPORT = ~((~devLedPORT & (mask)) | (number));
00057   taskExitSwitchCritical(); }
00059 /* After the appBoot (which is not used in this example) the OS calls for each
00060  * task to be started the function appInit_[taskname]. Here, you can set task
00061  * specific hardware initialization. You can be sure that all initializers of
00062  * all tasks are called before any task is started. */
00063 void appInit_WriteTask(void)
00064 { devLedDRR  |= 0x0F;
00065   devLedPORT |= 0x0F; }
00068 /* The write task writes number into the queue in series of 8, as long as
00069  * space allows for. The numbers written are displayed. When the queue
00070  * cannot be obtained, a wait led starts flashing until a new attempt is
00071  * done. */
00072 void appLoop_WriteTask(void)
00073 { Tuint08 count = 0;
00074   while (true)
00075   { if (taskQueuWriteRequestOnName(ThePipe,8,800))
00076     { for (count=0; count<8; count++)
00077       { genQueuWriteOnName(ThePipe,count);
00078         setNumber(0xF0,count);
00079         taskDelayFromNow(600); }
00080       taskQueuReleaseOnName(ThePipe); }
00081     else
00082     { for (count=0; count<10; count++)
00083       { invLed(3);
00084         taskDelayFromNow(80); } } } }
00087 /* After the appBoot (which is not used in this example) the OS calls for each
00088  * task to be started the function appInit_[taskname]. Here, you can set task
00089  * specific hardware initialization. You can be sure that all initializers of
00090  * all tasks are called before any task is started. */
00091 void appInit_ReadTask(void)
00092 { devLedDRR  |= 0xF0;
00093   devLedPORT |= 0xF0; }
00096 /* The read task reads numbers from the queue in series of 6, as long as
00097  * numbers are available. The numbers read are displayed. When the queue
00098  * cannot be obtained, a wait led starts flashing until a new attempt is
00099  * done. */
00100 void appLoop_ReadTask(void)
00101 { Tuint08 count = 0;
00102   Tuint08 Result;
00103   while (true)
00104   { if (taskQueuReadRequestOnName(ThePipe,6,800))
00105     { for (count=0; count<6; count++)
00106       { Result = genQueuReadOnName(ThePipe);
00107         setNumber(0x0F,Result<<4);
00108         taskDelayFromNow(600); }
00109       taskQueuReleaseOnName(ThePipe); }
00110     else
00111     { for (count=0; count<10; count++)
00112       { invLed(7);
00113         taskDelayFromNow(80); } } } }
00116 #if (preTaskDefined(ResetTask))
00118 /* Special initialization for the reset task, we need the switches to be input. */
00119 void appInit_ResetTask(void)
00120 { devSwitchDRR = 0x00; }
00122 /* If you want you can reset the queue by pushing the button.
00123  * This task starts waiting until a lock on the queue is
00124  * obtained. When this is the case, the queue is reset. */
00125 void appLoop_ResetTask(void)
00126 { Tuint08 button  = devSwitchPIN & 01;
00127   Tuint08 lastbutton  = button;
00128   while (true)
00129   { button = devSwitchPIN & 01;
00130     if (button != lastbutton)
00131     { setNumber(0x88,0x88);
00132       taskQueuReadRequestOnName(ThePipe,0,defDelayTimeMax);
00133       Tuint08 uiLedState = devLedPORT;
00134       devLedPORT = 0x00;
00135       genQueuClearOnName(ThePipe);
00136       taskDelayFromNow(80);
00137       devLedPORT = uiLedState;
00138       taskQueuReleaseOnName(ThePipe); }
00139     taskDelayFromNow(100); } }
00141 #endif

Generated on Fri Oct 16 00:05:21 2009 for FemtoOS by  doxygen 1.5.2