#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <string.h>
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Defines | |
#define | SystemID "FemtoOS 0.91" |
Identification string for this OS. | |
#define | true 1 |
Our standard 'bools'. | |
#define | false 0 |
#define | Tchar unsigned char |
#define | Tbool Tuint08 |
#define | Taddress Tchar * |
#define | Tbyte uint8_t |
#define | Tword uint16_t |
#define | Tsint08 int8_t |
#define | Tuint08 uint8_t |
#define | Tsint16 int16_t |
#define | Tuint16 uint16_t |
#define | Tdouble double |
#define | Tenum uint8_t |
#define | defDelayTimeMax 0xFEFF |
The highest delay time you may use. | |
#define | defDelayTimeZero 0x0000 |
The lowest delay time you may use. | |
#define | defLockBlockInfinite 0x0000 |
Use in a synchronizing method to specify it may not timeout. | |
#define | defLockDoNotBlock 0x0001 |
Use in a synchronizing method to say it must return immediately. | |
#define | defStackInitByte 0x00 |
Value with which the stack is filled. | |
#define | defCurrentTaskNumber 0x80 |
Value to specify the current task. | |
#define | defCurrentTaskName defCurrentTaskName |
Literal value to specify the current task. | |
#define | defFromFileStart 0x00 |
Literal value to state to start at the beginning of a file. | |
#define | defFromFileEnd 0xFF |
Literal value to state to start at the end of a file. | |
#define | defUntilFileEnd 0xFF |
Literal value to state you want to run up to the end of a file. | |
#define | defReadOnly 0x01 |
Literal value to state to open the file system in read only mode. | |
#define | defReadWrite 0x00 |
Literal value to state to open the file system in read/write mode. | |
#define | defAllEvents 0xFF |
Literal value to fire all events in the genFireEventSet method. | |
#define | defRestartSuspended 0x00 |
Literal value to restart a task in the suspended state. | |
#define | defRestartSleeping 0x40 |
Literal value to restart a task in the sleeping state. | |
#define | defRestartDefault 0x80 |
Literal value to restart a task in the default state. | |
#define | defRestartShared 0x80 |
At this moment this value is for internal use only. | |
#define | defRestartRunning 0xC0 |
Literal value to restart a task in the running state. | |
#define | defSuspendNow 0x01 |
Literal value to suspend a task directly. | |
#define | defSuspendCheck 0x02 |
Literal value to check for a suspend request. | |
#define | defSuspendClear 0x04 |
Literal value to reset a suspend request and continue. | |
#define | errUnused_0x00 0x00 |
Unused error. | |
#define | errInsufficientCapabilities 0x01 |
Task does not allow this operation. | |
#define | errUnused_0x02 0x02 |
Unused error. | |
#define | errTaskStackWillOverflow 0x03 |
The stack of the task will become too small during execution. | |
#define | errTaskIllegalRegisterUse 0x04 |
A register is being used which is not saved on the context. | |
#define | errTaskTakesTooLong 0x05 |
Long task, sub tick overflow may occur, leading to missed ticks. | |
#define | errTaskNestingOverflowed 0x06 |
Task cannot enter a critical section. | |
#define | errTaskNestingUnderflowed 0x07 |
Task cannot exit a critical section. | |
#define | errTaskNestingPresent 0x08 |
This call is illegal in nested critical sections. | |
#define | errUnused_0x09 0x09 |
#define | errTaskHoldsNoSlots 0x0A |
Task cannot make use of slot when non was configured. | |
#define | errSlotDoubleUsed 0x0B |
Double slots cannot be used for this task. | |
#define | errQueuOverrun 0x0C |
Writing data to a full queue was forbidden. | |
#define | errQueuUnderrun 0x0D |
Reading data from an empty queue was forbidden. | |
#define | errTaskPriorityTooHigh 0x0E |
Tried to set the priority to a value above 7. | |
#define | errTaskDelayTooLong 0x0F |
Delay equals of exceeds 0xFF00 ticks. | |
#define | errTaskDelayTooShort 0x10 |
System cannot handle 'negative' delays. | |
#define | errSlotZeroUsed 0x11 |
Slot with number zero is being used, this is forbidden. | |
#define | errSlotTypeMismatch 0x12 |
Slot used outside its definition. | |
#define | errSlotTwins 0x13 |
Two identical slot numbers cannot be used for locking. | |
#define | errIllegalDominantState 0x14 |
Task may not block or restart when in dominant state. | |
#define | errQueuWriteLimit 0x15 |
Request to write more data than space available. | |
#define | errQueuReadLimit 0x16 |
Request to read more data than space available. | |
#define | errSlotDecreaseFail 0x17 |
Trying to remove a slot not present on the slot stack. | |
#define | errSlotIncreaseFail 0x18 |
Trying to put more slots on the stack than room for. | |
#define | errFileOpenMode 0x19 |
File is open when it is not expected or allowed. | |
#define | errFileInvalidFileNumber 0x1A |
Trying operations on a file which does not exist. | |
#define | errFileOutOfRange 0x1B |
Trying to read or write outside the file. | |
#define | errFileClosedMode 0x1C |
File is closed when it is not expected or allowed. | |
#define | errFileWrongMode 0x1D |
File is in the wrong mode for the requested operation. | |
#define | errInvalidRestartMode 0x1E |
Restart may only be called with a valid mode,. | |
#define | errInvalidSuspendMode 0x1F |
Suspend may only be called with a valid mode,. | |
#define | fatInternalError 0x20 |
Error of the OS, please report. | |
#define | fatOsStackUnderMinimum 0x21 |
The stack of the OS is under the required minimum. | |
#define | fatOsStackOverflowed 0x22 |
Overflow of the OS Stack. | |
#define | fatIllegalEvent 0x23 |
An illegal event has been fired. | |
#define | fatTaskStackOverflowed 0x24 |
The stack of the task became too small during execution. | |
#define | fatIsrStackOverflowed 0x25 |
The stack of the isr became too small during execution. | |
#define | fatOsTickRateTooHigh 0x26 |
Ticks come at to short intervals. | |
#define | fatTaskSubtickOverflow 0x27 |
The sub tick timer overflowed. | |
#define | fatTaskIllegalTaskNumber 0x28 |
A function call used a non existent task number. | |
#define | fatUnused_0x29 0x29 |
#define | fatIllegalCallfromISR 0x2A |
No generic functions from isr without OS interrupt protection. | |
#define | fatUnused_0x2B 0x2B |
Unused fatal error. | |
#define | fatUnused_0x2C 0x2C |
Unused fatal error. | |
#define | fatUnused_0x2D 0x2D |
Unused fatal error. | |
#define | fatUnused_0x2E 0x2E |
Unused fatal error. | |
#define | fatUnused_0x2F 0x2F |
Unused fatal error. | |
#define | traceNull 0x00 |
General trace events. | |
#define | traceMarker 0x01 |
#define | traceUserByteMessage 0x02 |
#define | traceUserWordMessage 0x03 |
#define | traceTaskStart 0x10 |
#define | traceOsStart 0x20 |
#define | traceIdleStart 0x21 |
#define | traceSleepStart 0x22 |
#define | traceTickInterrupt 0x23 |
#define | traceWatchdog 0x24 |
#define | traceLockAcquire 0x25 |
#define | traceLockReject 0x26 |
#define | traceReset 0x27 |
#define | traceISR 0x28 |
#define | traceSlotLock 0x30 |
#define | traceSlotUnlock 0x40 |
#define | traceFireEvent 0x50 |
#define | traceWatermarks 0x58 |
#define | traceUnused 0x59 |
#define | traceREGISTERLEAK_5A 0x5A |
#define | traceBurnLock 0x5B |
#define | traceBurnFree 0x5C |
#define | traceCreateContext 0x5D |
#define | traceLoadInfo 0x5E |
#define | traceOsTime 0x5F |
#define | traceTaskInit 0x60 |
#define | traceTaskRelease 0x70 |
#define | traceAPIcallBase 0x80 |
#define | traceAPIcall1 0x90 |
#define | traceAPIcall2 0xA0 |
#define | traceAPIcall3 0xB0 |
#define | traceAPIcall4 0xC0 |
#define | traceErrorBase 0xD0 |
#define | traceError1 0xE0 |
#define | traceError2 0xF0 |
#define | callIdSystem 0x00 |
API call ID's. | |
#define | callIdTaskYield 0x01 |
#define | callIdTaskWaitForEvent 0x02 |
#define | callIdTaskDelayFromNow 0x03 |
#define | callIdTaskDelayFromWake 0x04 |
#define | callIdTaskSuspend 0x05 |
#define | callIdTaskSleep 0x06 |
#define | callIdTaskSleepAll 0x07 |
#define | callIdTaskRecreate 0x08 |
#define | callIdTaskFeedWatchdog 0x09 |
#define | callIdTaskKillWatchdog 0x0A |
#define | callIdTaskRestart 0x0B |
#define | callIdTaskTerminate 0x0C |
#define | callIdTaskEnableGlobalInterrupts 0x0D |
#define | callIdTaskDisableGlobalInterrupts 0x0E |
#define | callIdTaskEnableTickInterrupts 0x0F |
#define | callIdTaskDisableTickInterrupts 0x10 |
#define | callIdTaskEnableSwitchTask 0x11 |
#define | callIdTaskDisableSwitchTask 0x12 |
#define | callIdTaskEnterGlobalCritical 0x13 |
#define | callIdTaskExitGlobalCritical 0x14 |
#define | callIdTaskEnterTickCritical 0x15 |
#define | callIdTaskExitTickCritical 0x16 |
#define | callIdTaskEnterSwitchCritical 0x17 |
#define | callIdTaskExitSwitchCritical 0x18 |
#define | callIdTaskFileOpen 0x19 |
#define | callIdTaskFileClose 0x1A |
#define | callIdTaskFileFormat 0x1B |
#define | callIdTaskFileGetSize 0x1C |
#define | callIdTaskFileSetSize 0x1D |
#define | callIdTaskFileReadByte 0x1E |
#define | callIdTaskFileWriteByte 0x1F |
#define | callIdTaskFileAppendByte 0x20 |
#define | callIdTaskFileReadPipe 0x21 |
#define | callIdTaskFileWritePipe 0x22 |
#define | callIdTaskFileReadBuffer 0x23 |
#define | callIdTaskFileWriteBuffer 0x24 |
#define | callIdREGISTERLEAK_A5 0x25 |
#define | callIdTaskWaitForTasks 0x26 |
#define | callIdTaskSyncRequest 0x27 |
#define | callIdTaskSyncRelease 0x28 |
#define | callIdTaskMemMalloc 0x29 |
#define | callIdTaskMemFree 0x2A |
#define | callIdTaskMemDefrag 0x2B |
#define | callIdTaskMemPointer 0x2C |
#define | callIdTaskReserved1 0x2D |
#define | callIdTaskReserved2 0x2E |
#define | callIdTaskReserved3 0x2F |
#define | callIdTaskReserved4 0x30 |
#define | callIdTaskReserved5 0x31 |
#define | callIdTaskReserved6 0x32 |
#define | callIdGenSuspend 0x33 |
#define | callIdGenResume 0x34 |
#define | callIdGenSetPriority 0x35 |
#define | callIdGenGetPriority 0x36 |
#define | callIdGenGetTickCount 0x37 |
#define | callIdGenGetLastWakeTime 0x38 |
#define | callIdGenGetTaskname 0x39 |
#define | callIdGenFireEventSet 0x3A |
#define | callIdGenReboot 0x3B |
#define | callIdGenLogTask 0x3C |
#define | callIdGenLogOs 0x3D |
#define | callIdGenWaitRelease 0x3E |
#define | callIdGenQueuWrite 0x3F |
#define | callIdGenQueuRead 0x40 |
#define | callIdGenQueuPeek 0x41 |
#define | callIdGenQueuReadable 0x42 |
#define | callIdGenQueuWriteable 0x43 |
#define | callIdGenQueuFull 0x44 |
#define | callIdGenQueuEmpty 0x45 |
#define | callIdGenQueuClear 0x46 |
#define | callIdGenAddtoTickCount 0x47 |
#define | callIdGenPassFlashString 0x48 |
#define | callIdGenCountEventBlocks 0x49 |
#define | callIdGenReserved1 0x4A |
#define | callIdGenReserved2 0x4B |
#define | callIdGenReserved3 0x4C |
#define | callIdGenReserved4 0x4D |
#define | callIdGenReserved5 0x4E |
#define | callIdGenReserved6 0x4F |
#define | callIdTaskStackCheck ---- |
API call pseudo ID's. | |
#define | callIdGenPipeInt16 ---- |
#define | callIdGenTraceByteInfo ---- |
#define | callIdGenTraceWordInfo ---- |
#define | callIdGenTraceMarker ---- |
#define | callIdTaskMutexRequestOnName 0x27 |
#define | callIdTaskMutexReleaseOnName 0x27 |
#define | callIdTaskQueuWriteRequestOnName 0x27 |
#define | callIdTaskQueuReadRequestOnName 0x27 |
#define | callIdTaskQueuReleaseOnName 0x28 |
#define | callIdTaskSyncReleaseOnName 0x28 |
#define | callIdTaskSyncWriteWriteRequestOnName 0x27 |
#define | callIdTaskSyncWriteReadRequestOnName 0x27 |
#define | callIdTaskSyncReadWriteRequestOnName 0x27 |
#define | callIdTaskSyncReadReadRequestOnName 0x27 |
#define | callIdTaskWaitForOtherTask 0x26 |
#define | callIdIsrBegin ---- |
#define | callIdIsrEndReturn ---- |
#define | callIdIsrEndYield ---- |
#define | callIdIsrEnter ---- |
#define | callIdIsrExit ---- |
#define | callIdIsrStackCheck ---- |
#define | callIdIsrStartLoad ---- |
#define | callIdIsrStopLoad ---- |
#define | callIdIsrFireEvent ---- |
#define | callIdGenFireEvent ---- |
#define | callIdTaskFileClear 0x1D |
#define | callIdTaskFileDirectRead ---- |
#define | callIdTaskFileDirectWrite ---- |
#define | defResponseOK 0x01 |
Communication bytes. | |
#define | defResponseUnknownCommand 0x02 |
#define | defResponseError 0x03 |
#define | defResponseInvalidTask 0x04 |
#define | defResponseInvalidPriority 0x05 |
#define | defResponseFemtoOs 0x10 |
#define | defResponseLogTask 0x11 |
#define | defResponseLogOs 0x12 |
#define | defResponseTickCount 0x13 |
#define | defResponseDump 0x14 |
#define | defResponseUptime 0x15 |
#define | defResponseFile 0x16 |
#define | defResponseInvalidFileNumber 0x17 |
#define | defRequestFemtoOs 0x90 |
#define | defRequestProcessList 0x91 |
#define | defRequestTickCount 0x93 |
#define | defRequestReboot 0x94 |
#define | defRequestSuspend 0x95 |
#define | defRequestResume 0x96 |
#define | defRequestTerminate 0x97 |
#define | defRequestPriority 0x98 |
#define | defRequestRecreate 0x99 |
#define | defRequestDump 0x9A |
#define | defRequestStore 0x9B |
#define | defRequestRecall 0x9C |
#define | defRequestUptime 0x9D |
#define | defRequestTest 0x9E |
#define | defDumpRAM 0x01 |
#define | defDumpEEPROM 0x02 |
#define | defDumpFLASH 0x03 |
#define callIdGenAddtoTickCount 0x47 |
#define callIdGenCountEventBlocks 0x49 |
#define callIdGenFireEvent ---- |
Definition at line 986 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdGenFireEventSet 0x3A |
#define callIdGenGetLastWakeTime 0x38 |
#define callIdGenGetPriority 0x36 |
#define callIdGenGetTaskname 0x39 |
#define callIdGenGetTickCount 0x37 |
#define callIdGenLogOs 0x3D |
#define callIdGenLogTask 0x3C |
#define callIdGenPassFlashString 0x48 |
#define callIdGenPipeInt16 ---- |
Definition at line 962 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdGenQueuClear 0x46 |
Definition at line 947 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdGenQueuEmpty 0x45 |
Definition at line 946 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdGenQueuFull 0x44 |
Definition at line 945 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdGenQueuPeek 0x41 |
Definition at line 942 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdGenQueuRead 0x40 |
Definition at line 941 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdGenQueuReadable 0x42 |
Definition at line 943 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdGenQueuWrite 0x3F |
Definition at line 940 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdGenQueuWriteable 0x43 |
Definition at line 944 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdGenReboot 0x3B |
#define callIdGenReserved1 0x4A |
Definition at line 951 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdGenReserved2 0x4B |
Definition at line 952 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdGenReserved3 0x4C |
Definition at line 953 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdGenReserved4 0x4D |
Definition at line 954 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdGenReserved5 0x4E |
Definition at line 955 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdGenReserved6 0x4F |
Definition at line 956 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdGenResume 0x34 |
#define callIdGenSetPriority 0x35 |
#define callIdGenSuspend 0x33 |
#define callIdGenTraceByteInfo ---- |
Definition at line 963 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdGenTraceMarker ---- |
Definition at line 965 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdGenTraceWordInfo ---- |
Definition at line 964 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdGenWaitRelease 0x3E |
Definition at line 939 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdIsrBegin ---- |
Definition at line 977 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdIsrEndReturn ---- |
Definition at line 978 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdIsrEndYield ---- |
Definition at line 979 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdIsrEnter ---- |
Definition at line 980 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdIsrExit ---- |
Definition at line 981 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdIsrFireEvent ---- |
Definition at line 985 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdIsrStackCheck ---- |
Definition at line 982 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdIsrStartLoad ---- |
Definition at line 983 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdIsrStopLoad ---- |
Definition at line 984 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdREGISTERLEAK_A5 0x25 |
Definition at line 914 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdSystem 0x00 |
API call ID's.
Use these to see which method has been called.
Definition at line 877 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by genFireEvent(), isrStackCheck(), main(), privCheckOsStackLevel(), privDelayCalc(), privInitOs(), privOperateSlotStack(), privSubtickOverflow(), and taskStackCheck().
#define callIdTaskDelayFromNow 0x03 |
#define callIdTaskDelayFromWake 0x04 |
#define callIdTaskDisableGlobalInterrupts 0x0E |
Definition at line 891 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskDisableSwitchTask 0x12 |
#define callIdTaskDisableTickInterrupts 0x10 |
Definition at line 893 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskEnableGlobalInterrupts 0x0D |
Definition at line 890 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskEnableSwitchTask 0x11 |
#define callIdTaskEnableTickInterrupts 0x0F |
Definition at line 892 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskEnterGlobalCritical 0x13 |
#define callIdTaskEnterSwitchCritical 0x17 |
#define callIdTaskEnterTickCritical 0x15 |
#define callIdTaskExitGlobalCritical 0x14 |
#define callIdTaskExitSwitchCritical 0x18 |
#define callIdTaskExitTickCritical 0x16 |
#define callIdTaskFeedWatchdog 0x09 |
#define callIdTaskFileAppendByte 0x20 |
#define callIdTaskFileClear 0x1D |
Definition at line 987 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskFileClose 0x1A |
#define callIdTaskFileDirectRead ---- |
Definition at line 988 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskFileDirectWrite ---- |
Definition at line 989 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskFileFormat 0x1B |
#define callIdTaskFileGetSize 0x1C |
#define callIdTaskFileOpen 0x19 |
#define callIdTaskFileReadBuffer 0x23 |
#define callIdTaskFileReadByte 0x1E |
Definition at line 907 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by taskFileReadByte(), and taskFileReadPipe().
#define callIdTaskFileReadPipe 0x21 |
#define callIdTaskFileSetSize 0x1D |
#define callIdTaskFileWriteBuffer 0x24 |
#define callIdTaskFileWriteByte 0x1F |
#define callIdTaskFileWritePipe 0x22 |
#define callIdTaskKillWatchdog 0x0A |
#define callIdTaskMemDefrag 0x2B |
Definition at line 920 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskMemFree 0x2A |
Definition at line 919 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskMemMalloc 0x29 |
Definition at line 918 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskMemPointer 0x2C |
Definition at line 921 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskMutexReleaseOnName 0x27 |
Definition at line 967 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskMutexRequestOnName 0x27 |
Definition at line 966 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskQueuReadRequestOnName 0x27 |
Definition at line 969 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskQueuReleaseOnName 0x28 |
Definition at line 970 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskQueuWriteRequestOnName 0x27 |
Definition at line 968 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskRecreate 0x08 |
#define callIdTaskReserved1 0x2D |
Definition at line 922 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskReserved2 0x2E |
Definition at line 923 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskReserved3 0x2F |
Definition at line 924 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskReserved4 0x30 |
Definition at line 925 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskReserved5 0x31 |
Definition at line 926 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskReserved6 0x32 |
Definition at line 927 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskRestart 0x0B |
#define callIdTaskSleep 0x06 |
#define callIdTaskSleepAll 0x07 |
#define callIdTaskStackCheck ---- |
API call pseudo ID's.
These are not actually used, or are 'OnName' functions
Definition at line 961 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskSuspend 0x05 |
#define callIdTaskSyncReadReadRequestOnName 0x27 |
Definition at line 975 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskSyncReadWriteRequestOnName 0x27 |
Definition at line 974 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskSyncRelease 0x28 |
Definition at line 917 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskSyncReleaseOnName 0x28 |
Definition at line 971 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskSyncRequest 0x27 |
Definition at line 916 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskSyncWriteReadRequestOnName 0x27 |
Definition at line 973 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskSyncWriteWriteRequestOnName 0x27 |
Definition at line 972 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskTerminate 0x0C |
Definition at line 889 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privRecreateBody(), and privTerminateBody().
#define callIdTaskWaitForEvent 0x02 |
#define callIdTaskWaitForOtherTask 0x26 |
Definition at line 976 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskWaitForTasks 0x26 |
Definition at line 915 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define callIdTaskYield 0x01 |
Definition at line 878 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define defAllEvents 0xFF |
Literal value to fire all events in the genFireEventSet method.
If you need to unblock all waiting tasks by firing all all events use this constant in the method genFireEventSet. It makes your intentions clear.
Definition at line 211 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define defCurrentTaskName defCurrentTaskName |
Literal value to specify the current task.
In all (external) methods accepting the TaskName parameter you can specify defCurrentTask to indicate you want to use it for the current task, if you do not know that name (for example when code is run from different tasks). Never use it as a number in your code Please be absolutely sure you are inside a real task. If you are inside an isr, inside init or bark routines, you are not in task space and the current task may not be what you expect. However, the system cannot warn you for this situation. Thus, only to be used inside code that was called from appLoop_XXX.
Definition at line 154 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define defCurrentTaskNumber 0x80 |
Value to specify the current task.
In all (external) methods accepting the uiTaskNumber parameter you can specify defCurrentTaskNumber to indicate you want to use it for the current task, if you do not know that number (for example when code is run from different tasks). Please be absolutely sure you are inside a real task. If you are inside an isr, inside init or bark routines, you are not in task space and the current task may not be what you expect. However, the system cannot warn you for this situation. Thus, only to be used inside code that was called from appLoop_XXX.
Definition at line 140 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by genGetLastWakeTime(), genGetPriority(), genGetTaskname(), genLogTask(), genResume(), genSetPriority(), genSuspend(), privCheckFileSpecsReading(), privCheckFileSpecsWriting(), privDelayCalc(), privFileCloseBody(), privFileOpenBody(), privInitOs(), privPrepareFileClose(), privRecreateBody(), privRestartBody(), privSleepBody(), privSuspendBody(), privSwitchContext(), privTaskNumber(), privTerminateBody(), privWaitForEventBody(), privWaitForFsAccessBody(), taskDisableSwitchTask(), taskEnableSwitchTask(), taskEnterGlobalCritical(), taskEnterSwitchCritical(), taskEnterTickCritical(), taskExitGlobalCritical(), taskExitSwitchCritical(), taskExitTickCritical(), taskFeedWatchdog(), taskFileFormat(), and taskKillWatchdog().
#define defDelayTimeMax 0xFEFF |
The highest delay time you may use.
The highest delay time you may use. If your tick time is 1ms, and since we have a 16 bit tick counter, the maximum delay is about 65 seconds. In my opinion, this is long enough. If you want to delay tasks longer it is better to get a real time signal somewhere else.
Definition at line 89 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by appLoop_ResetTask(), privDelayFromNowBody(), privDelayFromWakeBody(), privFileOpenBody(), privRestartBody(), and privWaitForEventBody().
#define defDelayTimeZero 0x0000 |
The lowest delay time you may use.
The lowest delay time you may use, which in practice means no delay at all, but it is better to use this constant than 0 to make your intentions clear.
Definition at line 98 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privDelayFromNowBody(), privDelayFromWakeBody(), and privRestartBody().
#define defDumpEEPROM 0x02 |
#define defDumpFLASH 0x03 |
#define defDumpRAM 0x01 |
#define defFromFileEnd 0xFF |
Literal value to state to start at the end of a file.
In most file operation calls you can specify an offset. Instead of using the real file length (which you must know or obtain), you may use this constant to start writing the new bytes at the end of the file. This constant is only available if cfgUseFileSystemMaintainFAT is activated.
Definition at line 173 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by taskFileWriteBuffer(), and taskFileWritePipe().
#define defFromFileStart 0x00 |
Literal value to state to start at the beginning of a file.
In most file operation calls you can specify an offset. Instead of using zero, you may always use this constant to make your intention clear that you want to start reading or writing from the file start.
Definition at line 163 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by appLoop_SupervisorTask().
#define defLockBlockInfinite 0x0000 |
Use in a synchronizing method to specify it may not timeout.
Value you can use to indicate that a lock need not to timeout. Use this rather than supply 0 to make your intentions clear.
Definition at line 106 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by appLoop_AutoStart(), appLoop_Reset(), HandOver(), privFileOpenBody(), and privWaitForEventBody().
#define defLockDoNotBlock 0x0001 |
Use in a synchronizing method to say it must return immediately.
Value you can use to indicate that a lock need timeout immediately, thus just check if you can obtain the lock, but do not wait for it. Use this rather than supply 1 to make your intentions clear.
Definition at line 115 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by HandOver().
#define defReadOnly 0x01 |
Literal value to state to open the file system in read only mode.
If cfgUseFileSystemConcurrentRead is activated, it is required to specify if you want to open the file system in read only mode, or in read/write mode. Although, you can just use a boolean there, you may want to use this constant to make your intentions mode explicit.
Definition at line 193 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by appLoop_SupervisorTask(), and WorkerProcess().
#define defReadWrite 0x00 |
Literal value to state to open the file system in read/write mode.
If cfgUseFileSystemConcurrentRead is activated, it is required to specify if you want to open the file system in read only mode, or in read/write mode. Although, you can just use a boolean there, you may want to use this constant to make your intentions mode explicit.
Definition at line 203 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by appLoop_SupervisorTask(), and WorkerProcess().
#define defRequestDump 0x9A |
#define defRequestFemtoOs 0x90 |
#define defRequestPriority 0x98 |
#define defRequestProcessList 0x91 |
#define defRequestReboot 0x94 |
#define defRequestRecall 0x9C |
#define defRequestRecreate 0x99 |
#define defRequestResume 0x96 |
#define defRequestStore 0x9B |
#define defRequestSuspend 0x95 |
#define defRequestTerminate 0x97 |
#define defRequestTest 0x9E |
#define defRequestTickCount 0x93 |
#define defRequestUptime 0x9D |
#define defResponseDump 0x14 |
#define defResponseError 0x03 |
Definition at line 1000 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define defResponseFemtoOs 0x10 |
#define defResponseFile 0x16 |
#define defResponseInvalidFileNumber 0x17 |
Definition at line 1010 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by ExeLedLoad(), ExeLedSave(), HandleRecall(), and HandleStore().
#define defResponseInvalidPriority 0x05 |
#define defResponseInvalidTask 0x04 |
Definition at line 1001 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by HandleCommand(), HandlePriority(), and HandleRecreate().
#define defResponseLogOs 0x12 |
#define defResponseLogTask 0x11 |
#define defResponseOK 0x01 |
Communication bytes.
Use this in for example a shell. They take less space than full strings. In you shell app on a pc you can translate them to string messages. All request/response bytes have predefined length for the associated data streams.
Definition at line 998 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by ExeLedLoad(), ExeLedSave(), HandleCommand(), HandlePriority(), HandleReboot(), HandleRecreate(), HandleStore(), and HandleTest().
#define defResponseTickCount 0x13 |
#define defResponseUnknownCommand 0x02 |
#define defResponseUptime 0x15 |
#define defRestartDefault 0x80 |
Literal value to restart a task in the default state.
Use this value as restartMode when calling taskRestart(). It puts the task in the start mode as defined in the configuration. For tasks with a shared stack, this causes the task to start in a shared state, passing execution on to to the next task with shared stack. The result thus depends on the setting being cfgStartRunning, cfgStartSuspended of cgfStartSleeping.
Definition at line 252 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privTaskInit(), and wait().
#define defRestartRunning 0xC0 |
Literal value to restart a task in the running state.
Use this value as restartMode when calling taskRestart(). It restarts the task, and makes sure it starts running. This value overrides the value given in the configuration. For tasks with a shared stack, this causes the task to start in a shared state, passing execution on to to the next task with shared stack.
Definition at line 271 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by appLoop_LEDtask0(), appLoop_LEDtask1(), appLoop_LEDtask2(), appLoop_LEDtask3(), appLoop_LEDtask4(), appLoop_LEDtask5(), appLoop_LEDtask6(), appLoop_LEDtask7(), privSleepBody(), and privSwitchContext().
#define defRestartShared 0x80 |
At this moment this value is for internal use only.
When the restart function is called for shared tasks, the standard options are modified, into shared ones automatically. Do not use this argument when calling taskRestart()
Definition at line 260 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define defRestartSleeping 0x40 |
Literal value to restart a task in the sleeping state.
Use this value as restartMode when calling taskRestart(). It puts the task to sleep. Restart only takes place after the device has slept. This value overrides the value given in the configuration. For tasks with a shared stack, this causes the task to start in a shared state, passing execution on to to the next task with shared stack. Note that the shared stack is not rescheduled any more until the device has slept. Effectively the task is temporarily taken out of the pool of tasks with shared stacks.
Definition at line 240 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define defRestartSuspended 0x00 |
Literal value to restart a task in the suspended state.
Use this value as restartMode when calling taskRestart(). It restarts the task, and makes sure it starts suspended. This value overrides the value given in the configuration. For tasks with a shared stack, this causes the task to start in a shared state, passing execution on to to the next task with shared stack. Note that the shared stack is not rescheduled any more until resume is called on this stack. Effectively the task is temporarily taken out of the pool of tasks with shared stacks.
Definition at line 225 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privTaskInit().
#define defStackInitByte 0x00 |
Value with which the stack is filled.
For testing purposes you can fill the stack with other values that 0x00. This may be handy to see if you are not misusing a register. For the shortest code, leave it to 0x00, so the compiler can rely upon the .bss section cleaning. For a discussion how to use this setting see also cfgSysRegisterCheckByte. Also see the discussion at defStackClean.
Definition at line 126 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privCheckOsStackRegion(), and privTaskInit().
#define defSuspendCheck 0x02 |
Literal value to check for a suspend request.
Use this value in taskSuspend() to check if there is a suspend request present. If so, the task will suspend at this point, and the request will be 'consumed'.
Definition at line 290 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by appLoop_LEDtask0(), appLoop_LEDtask1(), appLoop_LEDtask2(), appLoop_LEDtask3(), and privSuspendBody().
#define defSuspendClear 0x04 |
Literal value to reset a suspend request and continue.
Use this value in taskSuspend() to check if there is a suspend request present. If so, the task will consume the request, but will not suspend.
Definition at line 298 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privSuspendBody().
#define defSuspendNow 0x01 |
Literal value to suspend a task directly.
Use this value in taskSuspend() as suspendMode. It will suspend the task immediately. If, at the same time, there was a suspend request present, that will be reset.
Definition at line 281 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privSuspendBody().
#define defUntilFileEnd 0xFF |
Literal value to state you want to run up to the end of a file.
In most file operation calls you can specify an size. Instead of using the real file length (which you must know or obtain), you may use this constant to keep reading bytes up to the end of the file. This constant is only available if cfgUseFileSystemMaintainFAT is activated.
Definition at line 183 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by taskFileReadBuffer(), and taskFileReadPipe().
#define errFileClosedMode 0x1C |
File is closed when it is not expected or allowed.
The call you made tried to close a file that is already closed, or is not allowed to be made when a file is closed. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Open the file prior to your call.
Definition at line 658 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privCheckFileSpecsReading(), and privFileCloseBody().
#define errFileInvalidFileNumber 0x1A |
Trying operations on a file which does not exist.
The file you tried to use does not exist as dedicated (named) file and not as default file. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Adjust the file number to a valid file, or increase the number of files.
Definition at line 636 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privCheckFileSpecsReading(), and privCheckFileSpecsWriting().
#define errFileOpenMode 0x19 |
File is open when it is not expected or allowed.
The call you made tried to open a file that is already open, or is not allowed to be made when a file is open. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Close the file prior to your call.
Definition at line 624 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privFileOpenBody(), and privRestartBody().
#define errFileOutOfRange 0x1B |
Trying to read or write outside the file.
Operations for a particular file number are only allowed inside the EEPROM space reserved for that file. You tried to read or write outside the file. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Reduce the read/write data size.
Definition at line 647 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privCheckFileSpecsReading(), and privCheckFileSpecsWriting().
#define errFileWrongMode 0x1D |
File is in the wrong mode for the requested operation.
The call you made expected to be the file in the read mode, when is was in write, or vice versa. Or, the call is not allowed in specific circumstances, for example with a file open in write mode. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Bring the file in the correct mode prior to your call.
Definition at line 671 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privCheckFileSpecsWriting(), privSleepBody(), and taskFileFormat().
#define errIllegalDominantState 0x14 |
Task may not block or restart when in dominant state.
Calling a method that may block, such as mutex, wait or a the opening of a file with a task that is dominant may lead to a permanent system deadlock. Therefore this is prohibited. Also, when restarting a task, it may not be dominant, for it's state cannot be retained. Also, you may not handle suspend requests in the dominant mode.
Definition at line 567 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privFileOpenBody(), privRestartBody(), and privSuspendBody().
#define errInsufficientCapabilities 0x01 |
Task does not allow this operation.
Each task is defined only with a particular set of capabilities, unless you defined to have all capabilities for all tasks. You tried to perform an operation in a task which does not have sufficient capabilities to act. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number. The highest nibble represents the failing capability. -- 0001 cfgCapWatchdog -- 0010 cfgCapEvent -- 0011 cfgCapCritical -- 0100 cfgCapSynchronization -- 0101 cfgCapFileSystem -- 0110 cfgCapDelay -- 0111 cfgCapTimeout
Definition at line 346 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privCheckCapabilities().
#define errInvalidRestartMode 0x1E |
Restart may only be called with a valid mode,.
Only four modes can be used to call restart. These are: defRestartRunning, defRestartSuspended, defRestartSleeping or defRestartDefault. Other values can give bizarre results.
Definition at line 681 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privRestartBody().
#define errInvalidSuspendMode 0x1F |
Suspend may only be called with a valid mode,.
Only three modes can be used to call suspend. These are: defSuspendNow, defSuspendCheck or defSuspendClear. Other values can give bizarre results.
Definition at line 691 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privSuspendBody().
#define errQueuOverrun 0x0C |
Writing data to a full queue was forbidden.
Trying to write data on an already full queue. This is not an error in strict sense, since bytes put on a full queue are simply ignored. However, you asked to be noted when this situation occurs. This error occurred inside a task (not an isr). The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number, this highest the slot number.
Review the logic of your code
Definition at line 474 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define errQueuReadLimit 0x16 |
Request to read more data than space available.
Your are trying to read more data from a queue than the size of that queue. This call can never succeed and is therefore an error, the call would block indefinitely. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Reduce the size of the request.
Definition at line 591 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define errQueuUnderrun 0x0D |
Reading data from an empty queue was forbidden.
Trying to read data from an already empty queue. This is not an error in strict sense, since bytes put on a full queu are simply ignored. However, you asked to be noted when this situation occurs. This error occurred inside a task (not an isr). The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number, this highest the slot number.
Review the logic of your code
Definition at line 486 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define errQueuWriteLimit 0x15 |
Request to write more data than space available.
Your are trying to write more data to a queue than the size of that queue. This call can never succeed and is therefore an error, the call would block indefinitely. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Reduce the size of the request.
Definition at line 579 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define errSlotDecreaseFail 0x17 |
Trying to remove a slot not present on the slot stack.
This error may arise if you relinquish more slots than where claimed. Locking and releasing must always be balanced. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number, this highest the slot number.
Review the logic of the code.
Definition at line 602 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privOperateSlotStack().
#define errSlotDoubleUsed 0x0B |
Double slots cannot be used for this task.
On waits double slots are never allowed. The same applies for mutexes and queu's if cfgSyncDoubleBlock is not activated. This generates this error. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Adjust the slot use to include double slots, or change the logic or your code.
Definition at line 462 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define errSlotIncreaseFail 0x18 |
Trying to put more slots on the stack than room for.
The slot stack, that is, the memory where the reserved slots are kept for each task is limited and has been exceeded. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number, this highest the slot number.
Increase the SlotSize_task parameter for your task.
Definition at line 613 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privOperateSlotStack().
#define errSlotTwins 0x13 |
Two identical slot numbers cannot be used for locking.
Twin slots. You cannot ask a double lock on two identical slot numbers. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Use a single lock, or choose two different slot numbers. Cut/Paste error?
Definition at line 556 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define errSlotTypeMismatch 0x12 |
Slot used outside its definition.
Slot type mismatch, a function tried to use a slot for an other purpose as it was defined. Mutexes for example cannot be used as queues. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Definition at line 546 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define errSlotZeroUsed 0x11 |
Slot with number zero is being used, this is forbidden.
Slot with number zero is used for internal purposes and cannot be used by the application developer. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Use a valid slot.
Definition at line 536 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define errTaskDelayTooLong 0x0F |
Delay equals of exceeds 0xFF00 ticks.
The delay may not be any longer as 0xFEFF, directly or in internal calculation. Internally a to high delay time arose. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number. This also might be the consequence of a faulty reconstruction of the tick counter after sleeping. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Lower the delay or timeout value you used in the call.
Definition at line 511 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privDelayFromNowBody(), privDelayFromWakeBody(), privFileOpenBody(), privRestartBody(), and privWaitForEventBody().
#define errTaskDelayTooShort 0x10 |
System cannot handle 'negative' delays.
In a delayFromWake the task is not de-activated, because the wake time lies before the current time. This means this particular is running beyond the required reactivation moment. There was no time to put the task into a delay. Actually this is a dangerous situation, if it continues a little longer, the task may get into a very extensive delay. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Increase the delayFromWake time, or, reduce the execution time of the code.
Definition at line 525 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privDelayCalc().
#define errTaskHoldsNoSlots 0x0A |
Task cannot make use of slot when non was configured.
Trying to call an synchronization primitive on a task that was not configured not to hold any slots (Slotsize == 0). This is an error. Define your task to with SlotSize_task to make use of one or more slots. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Definition at line 451 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define errTaskIllegalRegisterUse 0x04 |
A register is being used which is not saved on the context.
Registers that are not saved on the context have altered during execution of the task. This might be an incorrect error. Femto OS cannot determine with 100% certainty that a modified register is actually used, it assumes it is. If you are absolutely certain the register is not used, exclude it from the register check.
The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number. The highest nibble is used to report the highest register block in violation. One (or more) of the registers is offending. The numbering is like this: -- 0000: r0 r1 r2 r3 -- 0001: r4 r5 r6 r7 -- 0010: r8 r9 r10 r11 -- 0011: r12 r13 r14 r15 -- 0100: r16 r17 r18 r19 -- 0101: r20 r21 r22 r23 -- 0110: r24 r25 r26 r27 -- 0111: r28 r29 r30 r31
Add registers to the context save, or, if the register is not used in interruptible area's, exclude the register block from verification.
Definition at line 389 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privInitOs().
#define errTaskNestingOverflowed 0x06 |
Task cannot enter a critical section.
Overflow of the number of nesting levels of one of the critical sections. The number is a power of two minus one depending on the number of bits reserved for the counting. Counting is per type, being one of global, switch or tick. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Reduce the levels of nesting, or increase the level counter.
Definition at line 414 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by taskEnterGlobalCritical(), taskEnterSwitchCritical(), and taskEnterTickCritical().
#define errTaskNestingPresent 0x08 |
This call is illegal in nested critical sections.
You cannot make certain calls when within nested critical sections. For example, all critical sections must have been left when calling taskRestart()
Definition at line 436 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privRestartBody().
#define errTaskNestingUnderflowed 0x07 |
Task cannot exit a critical section.
Underflow of the number of nesting levels of one of the critical sections. You tried to exit a critical section while not inside one. Counting is per type, being one of global, switch or tick. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Review your code, there is flaw in the logic.
Definition at line 426 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by taskExitGlobalCritical(), taskExitSwitchCritical(), and taskExitTickCritical().
#define errTaskPriorityTooHigh 0x0E |
Tried to set the priority to a value above 7.
There are only eight priority levels in the Femto OS. You tried to use a higher priority (this also occurs at the use of a negative priority). The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Review the parameter of the function call.
Definition at line 497 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by genSetPriority().
#define errTaskStackWillOverflow 0x03 |
The stack of the task will become too small during execution.
Femto OS calculated it will not be possible to save the context on the particular moment it tried to do so. That stack probably has not yet really overflowed, but the task cannot be restarted. Other tasks should be fine. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Increase the tasksize.
Definition at line 363 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privInitOs().
#define errTaskTakesTooLong 0x05 |
Long task, sub tick overflow may occur, leading to missed ticks.
The tick counter is driven by a sub tick counter. The sub tick counter keeps running, even if no tick can be generated. However the sub tick counter itself may not overflow for that may lead to missed ticks. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Reduce the time slice for that particular task, or adjust the timing of the system to a lower tick frequency.
Definition at line 402 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define errUnused_0x00 0x00 |
#define errUnused_0x02 0x02 |
#define errUnused_0x09 0x09 |
Definition at line 441 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define false 0 |
Definition at line 55 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define fatIllegalCallfromISR 0x2A |
No generic functions from isr without OS interrupt protection.
A 'genXXXX' function was used from an isr while cfgIntOsProtected was not set. This is forbidden, and may lead to rare and hard to trace weird bugs.
Remove the call, or switch on OS protection (cfgIntOsProtected).
Definition at line 807 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by genAddtoTickCount(), genGetLastWakeTime(), genGetPriority(), genGetTaskname(), genGetTickCount(), genLogOs(), genLogTask(), genResume(), genSetPriority(), and genSuspend().
#define fatIllegalEvent 0x23 |
An illegal event has been fired.
You tried to fire an event that is located on the auxiliary bit of the Femto OS. Usually this is the event with the highest number. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Use an other event, or separate the event register from the auxiliary bit
Definition at line 734 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by genCountEventBlocks(), and genFireEvent().
#define fatInternalError 0x20 |
Error of the OS, please report.
This error should never occur, and signals a flaw in the OS. If possible, please report the circumstances which led to this situation.
Definition at line 701 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define fatIsrStackOverflowed 0x25 |
The stack of the isr became too small during execution.
The stack of the isr was not large enough to accommodate the variables of the isr. Since the isr cannot be stopped, this error is fatal The information byte is unused.
Increase the stack of the isr.
Definition at line 757 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by isrStackCheck().
#define fatOsStackOverflowed 0x22 |
Overflow of the OS Stack.
During use the size of the OS stack became to small, other data may be overwritten.The information byte is unused. Note that the OS needs more stack space if checks are switched on.
Increase the StackSizeOS
Definition at line 723 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privCheckOsStackLevel().
#define fatOsStackUnderMinimum 0x21 |
The stack of the OS is under the required minimum.
The stack of the OS is under the required minimum. It may not be lower as the space taken by the background variables. The information byte is unused.
Increase the StackSizeOS
Definition at line 712 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by main().
#define fatOsTickRateTooHigh 0x26 |
Ticks come at to short intervals.
The OS takes more then 50% of the processor time regularly. In the equidistant timing model the system is at risk of immediate timer interrupts after context switch. Note that incidental high loads should not be a problem, for instance if a watchdog barks, or at heavy interrupt load. The information byte is unused.
Reduce the tick frequency or increase the clock frequency.
Definition at line 769 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define fatTaskIllegalTaskNumber 0x28 |
A function call used a non existent task number.
You may only use valid task numbers. If you make use of task names only, there is no the risk of using undefined task numbers. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number (of the running task, not of the call!)
Check the calls, use task names.
Definition at line 792 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by genGetLastWakeTime(), genGetPriority(), genGetTaskname(), genLogTask(), genResume(), genSetPriority(), genSuspend(), privRecreateBody(), and privTerminateBody().
#define fatTaskStackOverflowed 0x24 |
The stack of the task became too small during execution.
The stack of the task was not large enough to accommodate the variables and/or the context. Since the task can not reliably be stopped, this error is fatal The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Increase the stack size of this task.
Definition at line 746 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by taskStackCheck().
#define fatTaskSubtickOverflow 0x27 |
The sub tick timer overflowed.
A task is too long, or the OS took to long in the variable timing model, so that it may overflow the sub tick timer. This may lead to missed ticks. The lowest nibble of the info byte displays the task number.
Increase the time a sub tick takes, thereby lowering the tick frequency.
Definition at line 780 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privSubtickOverflow().
#define fatUnused_0x29 0x29 |
Definition at line 797 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define fatUnused_0x2B 0x2B |
#define fatUnused_0x2C 0x2C |
#define fatUnused_0x2D 0x2D |
#define fatUnused_0x2E 0x2E |
#define fatUnused_0x2F 0x2F |
#define SystemID "FemtoOS 0.91" |
Identification string for this OS.
Make sure it has 12 bytes.
Definition at line 49 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define Taddress Tchar * |
Definition at line 70 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by appLoop_SupervisorTask(), ExeLedLoad(), ExeLedSave(), genGetTaskname(), HandleDump(), isrStackCheck(), privCheckFileSpecsReading(), privCheckFileSpecsWriting(), privCheckOsStackLevel(), privCheckOsStackRegion(), privFileLocation(), privTaskInit(), SendID(), taskFileAppendByte(), taskFileFormat(), taskFileGetSize(), taskFileReadBuffer(), taskFileReadByte(), taskFileReadPipe(), taskFileSetSize(), taskFileWriteBuffer(), taskFileWriteByte(), taskFileWritePipe(), taskStackCheck(), and WorkerProcess().
#define Tbool Tuint08 |
Definition at line 69 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by genAddtoTickCount(), genPassFlashString(), portCheckTimer(), and privOperateSlotStack().
#define Tbyte uint8_t |
Definition at line 71 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by genTraceWordInfo(), HandleDump(), privCopyLoad(), privTraceWatermarks(), readByte(), startRead(), and startWrite().
#define Tchar unsigned char |
#define Tdouble double |
Definition at line 77 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define Tenum uint8_t |
Definition at line 78 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define traceAPIcall1 0x90 |
Definition at line 866 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define traceAPIcall2 0xA0 |
Definition at line 867 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define traceAPIcall3 0xB0 |
Definition at line 868 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define traceAPIcall4 0xC0 |
Definition at line 869 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define traceAPIcallBase 0x80 |
Definition at line 865 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define traceBurnFree 0x5C |
Definition at line 859 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define traceBurnLock 0x5B |
Definition at line 858 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privPrepareFileClose(), and privWaitForFsAccessBody().
#define traceCreateContext 0x5D |
#define traceError1 0xE0 |
Definition at line 871 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define traceError2 0xF0 |
Definition at line 872 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define traceErrorBase 0xD0 |
Definition at line 870 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define traceFireEvent 0x50 |
#define traceIdleStart 0x21 |
#define traceISR 0x28 |
Definition at line 851 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define traceLoadInfo 0x5E |
#define traceLockAcquire 0x25 |
Definition at line 848 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define traceLockReject 0x26 |
Definition at line 849 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define traceMarker 0x01 |
#define traceNull 0x00 |
General trace events.
Use these in your trace application
Definition at line 838 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define traceOsStart 0x20 |
#define traceOsTime 0x5F |
Definition at line 862 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define traceREGISTERLEAK_5A 0x5A |
Definition at line 857 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define traceReset 0x27 |
Definition at line 850 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define traceSleepStart 0x22 |
#define traceSlotLock 0x30 |
#define traceSlotUnlock 0x40 |
Definition at line 853 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by privOperateSlotStack(), and privUnblockTask().
#define traceTaskInit 0x60 |
#define traceTaskRelease 0x70 |
#define traceTaskStart 0x10 |
Definition at line 842 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define traceTickInterrupt 0x23 |
#define traceUnused 0x59 |
Definition at line 856 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define traceUserByteMessage 0x02 |
#define traceUserWordMessage 0x03 |
#define traceWatchdog 0x24 |
#define traceWatermarks 0x58 |
#define true 1 |
#define Tsint08 int8_t |
Definition at line 73 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define Tsint16 int16_t |
Definition at line 75 of file femtoos_globals.h.
#define Tuint08 uint8_t |
Definition at line 74 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by appBoot(), appEnterIdle(), appLoop_AutoStart(), appLoop_Display(), appLoop_LEDtask0(), appLoop_LEDtask1(), appLoop_LEDtask2(), appLoop_LEDtask3(), appLoop_LEDtask4(), appLoop_LEDtask5(), appLoop_LEDtask6(), appLoop_LEDtask7(), appLoop_ReadSwitch(), appLoop_ReadTask(), appLoop_Reset(), appLoop_ResetTask(), appLoop_Select(), appLoop_Speed(), appLoop_SupervisorTask(), appLoop_Synchronize(), appLoop_WriteTask(), devSigExternalInt(), ExecuteShell(), ExeLedCycle(), ExeLedLoad(), ExeLedSave(), ExeLedState(), genAddtoTickCount(), genCountEventBlocks(), genGetPriority(), genLogTask(), genPassFlashString(), genPipeInt16(), getSingleValue(), HandleCommand(), HandleDump(), HandlePriority(), HandleRecall(), HandleRecreate(), HandleStore(), HandOver(), LedFlash(), main(), portFSReadByte(), portInitContext(), portReadAndResetTimer(), portReadTimer(), portShowError(), portShowReset(), portSleep(), portTrace(), privCheckCapabilities(), privCheckFileSpecsReading(), privCheckFileSpecsWriting(), privCheckOsStackRegion(), privCopyLoad(), privEnterOS(), privFileLocation(), privFileSpace(), privIncrementTick(), privInitOs(), privIsrExit(), privMakeTasksRunable(), privOperateSlotStack(), privPutAllTasksToSleep(), privRegisterCount(), privReleaseFileBlocks(), privRestartBody(), privSelectTask(), privSleepBody(), privSwitchContext(), privTaskInit(), privTickYield(), privTraceWatermarks(), privWakeupFromLowPower(), readByte(), SendProcessList(), startCommunication(), taskFileAppendByte(), taskFileGetSize(), taskFileReadBuffer(), taskFileReadByte(), taskFileReadPipe(), taskFileWriteBuffer(), taskFileWritePipe(), wait(), WorkerProcess(), and writeByte().
#define Tuint16 uint16_t |
Definition at line 76 of file femtoos_globals.h.
Referenced by appLoop_Display(), appLoop_SupervisorTask(), genAddtoTickCount(), genGetLastWakeTime(), genGetTickCount(), genPassFlashString(), HandleDump(), isrStackCheck(), portInitContext(), portSleep(), privCheckFileSpecsReading(), privCheckFileSpecsWriting(), privCheckOsStackLevel(), privDelayCalc(), privFileLocation(), privTaskInit(), taskFileAppendByte(), taskFileFormat(), taskFileGetSize(), taskFileReadBuffer(), taskFileReadPipe(), taskFileSetSize(), taskFileWriteBuffer(), taskFileWritePipe(), taskStackCheck(), and wait().
#define Tword uint16_t |
Definition at line 72 of file femtoos_globals.h.