femtoos_headers/femtoos_config.h File Reference

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#define cfgSysOptimized   cfgTrue
 Switch between two sets of configuration parameters.
#define cfgSysDebug   cfgFalse
 Used to debug on the Atmel Studio.
#define cfgSysInline   cfgFalse
 Force inlining of some internal methods to reduce OS stack use.
#define cfgSysFramePointerCounterMeasures   cfgFalse
 To suppress the use of the frame pointer even further.
#define cfgSysReduceProEpilogue   cfgComplete
 Manage the code inside the pro- and epiloge.
#define cfgSysRegisterCheckByte   0xA5
 Specify the byte with which the registers are initially filled.
#define cfgSysStackGrowthUp   cfgFalse
 Specify the direction the stack grows.
#define cfgSysZeroPageStack   cfgFalse
 Reduce the stack pointer when all stacks fit on page zero.
#define cfgSysClearUnusedR1   cfgTrue
 Makes sure r1 is always cleared after a context switch.
#define cfgSysSqueezeState   cfgTrue
 Squeeze all info needed by Femto OS in the Status Register.
#define cfgSysReuseOsStack   cfgTrue
 Activate this for double use of the OS stack space.
#define cfgSysClockDivider   1
 Specify the divider on the clock frequency used in the device.
#define cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick   32
 Subdivider for the tickcounter.
#define cfgSysSubTickDivider   256
 Setting of the hardware prescaler of the tick counter.
#define cfgSysGCCstartup   cfgOverride
 Switch to replace the startup code produced by gcc.
#define cfgSysFsStorageSpace   512
 Specify the total size of the storage in bytes.
#define cfgIntGlobalOnly   cfgFalse
 To indicate that timer interrupts may be treated as global.
#define cfgIntUserDefined   cfgTrue
 To indicate you use interrupts of your own, possibly with an isr.
#define cfgIntSwitchUsesOSstack   cfgFalse
 Set this to let the isr run in OS space.
#define cfgIntOsProtected   cfgFalse
 Set this to protect the Femto OS from being interrupted.
#define cfgIntTickTrack   cfgTrue
 Activate to be able to block tick interrupts during part of a task.
#define cfgIntManualTicks   cfgTrue
 Activate to let the OS manually check for tick interrupts.
#define cfgCheckSystem   cfgTrue
 Activate internal checks in the Femto OS system.
#define cfgCheckReset   cfgTrue
 Give a signal through the error port that the system has reset.
#define cfgCheckTrace   cfgTrue
 Activate tracing, most OS activities are reported.
#define cfgCheckAlwaysFatal   cfgFalse
 Decide if all reported errors should be treated as fatal.
#define cfgCheckWatermarks   cfgTrue
 Keep watermarks of the stack and register use.
#define cfgCheckOsStack   cfgTrue
 Check if the OS stack keeps within the given limits.
#define cfgCheckTaskStack   cfgTrue
 Check if each task stack keeps with the given limits.
#define cfgCheckIsrStack   cfgTrue
 Check if the isr stack keeps with the given limits.
#define cfgCheckRegisters   cfgTrue
 Check if use is made of registers not saved on the context.
#define cfgCheckTiming   cfgTrue
 Check if the tick is long enough to let OS and tasks do their jobs.
#define cfgCheckQueuFilling   cfgTrue
 Check if the queu's are not overrun or underrun.
#define cfgCheckMethodUse   cfgTrue
 Checks if you make proper use of the API.
#define cfgCheckApplication   cfgTrue
 Activate checking of the user quality assurance.
#define cfgUseEquidistantTicks   cfgTrue
 Make sure every tick takes an equal amount of time.
#define cfgUseDelay   cfgTrue
 If you need delays or timeouts in your code, activate this.
#define cfgUseSynchronization   cfgSyncDoubleBlock
 Activate if you make use of the synchronization primitives.
#define cfgUseHierarchicalRoundRobin   cfgTrue
 Activate to make sure task are started round robin strictly prioritized.
#define cfgUseNestedCriticals   cfgTrue
 If you need to nest critical blocks, activate this.
#define cfgUsePrioritizedRelease   cfgTrue
 If you want unblocking for the highest priority only.
#define cfgUsePriorityLifting   cfgTrue
 If you need to make use of priority inheritance, activate this.
#define cfgUseTaskWatchdog   cfgTrue
 Activate this to protect a task against infinite loops and waits.
#define cfgUseCorrectWakeupTimes   cfgTrue
 Activate to keep track of the last task activation times.
#define cfgUseTimeout   cfgTrue
 Activate to enable timeout on all synchronizing methods.
#define cfgUseTasknames   cfgTrue
 Activate to reserve room in flash for dynamic task names.
#define cfgUseLowPowerSleep   cfgTrue
 Make the Femto OS aware of low power sleep modes.
#define cfgUseLowPowerOnDelay   cfgTrue
 Let the OS sleep as soon as all tasks are sufficiently delayed.
#define cfgUseLowPowerDelayRelease   cfgTrue
 Activate to correct delay times, if the device over slept.
#define cfgUseLoadMonitor   cfgTrue
 To keep track of the time spend in all tasks, os and isr.
#define cfgUseFileSystem   cfgTrue
 Activate the Femto File System on EEPROM.
#define cfgUseFileSystemConcurrentRead   cfgTrue
 Separate read/write regions from read only regions.
#define cfgUseFileSystemEconomyMode   cfgTrue
 Option to save erase/write cycles on the file system / eeprom.
#define cfgUseFileSystemMaintainFAT   cfgTrue
 Keep a table with the use of all files.
#define cfgUseEvents   cfgTrue
 Lightweight messaging system between tasks and/or isr.
#define cfgUseEventsOnVariables   cfgTrue
 Activate if you need to use genFireEvent on variables.
#define cfgNumWatchdogDiv   3
 Determines the frequency of watchdog checkups.
#define cfgNumMonitorDiv   2
 Determines the copy frequency of the load monitor.
#define cfgNumSleepPeriod   1000
 Number of milliseconds the device may continuously sleep.
#define cfgNumSleepThreshold   2500
 Minimum number of milliseconds the delay must be for sleeping.
#define cfgNumGlobWidth   3
 Number of bits for counting the depth of global critical nesting.
#define cfgNumSwitchWidth   3
 Number of bits for counting the depth of switch critical nesting.
#define cfgNumTickWidth   2
 Number of bits for counting the depth of tick critical nesting.
#define callAppTick00   cfgFalse
 Activates the tick hook that fires every tick.
#define callAppTick08   cfgFalse
 Activates the tick hook that fires every 256 ticks.
#define callAppTick16   cfgFalse
 Activates the tick hook that fires every 65536 ticks.
#define callAppTickSleep   cfgFalse
 Enable sleep hook that fires at in-between wakeups.
#define callAppEnterIdle   cfgFalse
 Activates the idle hook that fires just before going idle.
#define callAppEnterSleep   cfgFalse
 Enable sleep hook that fires just before going to low power sleep.
#define callAppExitSleep   cfgFalse
 Enable sleep hook that fires just after going to low power sleep.
#define callAppBoot   cfgFalse
 Enable initialization hook called before any context construction.
#define callAppInit   cfgFalse
 Enable initialization hook called before task context construction.
#define callAppBark   cfgFalse
 Activates the watchdog hook called when the watchdog barks.
#define includeTaskYield   cfgTrue
 Manual context switch.
#define includeTaskDelayFromNow   cfgTrue
 Delay your task for the given number of ticks, starting from now.
#define includeTaskDelayFromWake   cfgTrue
 Delay your task, starting at the last wake time.
#define includeGenSuspend   cfgTrue
 Suspend a task, but do not invoke a context switch.
#define includeTaskSuspend   cfgTrue
 Suspend this task and invoke a context switch.
#define includeGenResume   cfgTrue
 Resume the given task from suspension.
#define includeTaskSleep   cfgTrue
 Put this task to sleep and invoke a context switch.
#define includeTaskSleepAll   cfgTrue
 Put all tasks to sleep.
#define includeGenSetPriority   cfgTrue
 Set a new priority for the given task.
#define includeGenGetPriority   cfgTrue
 Return the current priority of a given task.
#define includeGenGetTickCount   cfgTrue
 Get the tick counter.
#define includeGenAddtoTickCount   cfgTrue
 Add the given number of ticks to the tick counter.
#define includeGenGetLastWakeTime   cfgTrue
 Return the time the task was last woken.
#define includeTaskFeedWatchdog   cfgTrue
 Feed the watchdog in order to prevent barking.
#define includeTaskKillWatchdog   cfgTrue
 Switch off the watchdog facility for this task.
#define includeGenGetTaskname   cfgTrue
 Get the address from a task name.
#define includeTaskTerminate   cfgTrue
 Stop (in error mode) one particular task.
#define includeGenReboot   cfgTrue
 Reboot the system.
#define includeTaskRecreate   cfgTrue
 Recreate a task.
#define includeTaskRestart   cfgTrue
 Restart a task.
#define includeGenLogTask   cfgTrue
 Binary one liners about every task.
#define includeGenLogOs   cfgTrue
 Binary one liner about the os.
#define includeGenTrace   cfgTrue
 Send a byte, word or marker trough the trace.
#define includeGenPipeInt16   cfgFalse
 Auxiliary function to push a Tint16 on a pipe.
#define includeGenPassFlashString   cfgTrue
 Auxiliary function to push a string on a pipe.
#define includeTaskWaitForEvents   cfgTrue
 Lock this task until the required event is fired.
#define includeIsrFireEvent   cfgTrue
 Fire an event from the isr.
#define includeGenFireEvent   cfgTrue
 Fire an event from any location.
#define includeGenFireEventSet   cfgTrue
 Release all tasks waiting on events.
#define includeGenCountEventBlocks   cfgTrue
 Count number of blocks on a particular combination of events.
#define includeTaskWaitForTasks   cfgTrue
 Lock this task until other tasks pass on the same slot.
#define includeGenWaitRelease   cfgTrue
 Release all wait locks on this slot.
#define includeTaskMutex   cfgTrue
 Try to obtain or release a mutex on the given slot.
#define includeTaskQueu   cfgTrue
 Try to obtain or release a lock on a queu for n bytes.
#define includeGenQueuWrite   cfgTrue
 Write a byte on the queu.
#define includeGenQueuRead   cfgTrue
 Read a byte from the queu.
#define includeGenQueuClear   cfgFalse
 Clear the queu.
#define includeGenQueuPeek   cfgTrue
 Look ahead what the next byte to read would be.
#define includeGenQueuReadable   cfgTrue
 See how many bytes can be read from the queu.
#define includeGenQueuWriteable   cfgTrue
 See how many bytes can be written to the queu.
#define includeGenQueuFull   cfgTrue
 See if the queu is full.
#define includeGenQueuEmpty   cfgTrue
 See if the queu is empty.
#define includeTaskFileAccess   cfgTrue
 Open and close a file.
#define includeTaskFileFormat   cfgTrue
 Clear the whole file space (formats the FAT too).
#define includeTaskFileGetSize   cfgTrue
 Get the size of a file.
#define includeTaskFileSetSize   cfgFalse
 Set the size of a file.
#define includeTaskFileReadByte   cfgTrue
 Read a raw byte from a file.
#define includeTaskFileWriteByte   cfgTrue
 Write a raw byte to a file.
#define includeTaskFileAppendByte   cfgTrue
 Append a byte to a file.
#define includeTaskFileReadPipe   cfgTrue
 Read bytes in a stream from a file.
#define includeTaskFileWritePipe   cfgTrue
 Write bytes in a stream to a file.
#define includeTaskFileReadBuffer   cfgTrue
 Read bytes from a file and put them in a buffer.
#define includeTaskFileWriteBuffer   cfgTrue
 Write bytes from the buffer to a file.
#define includeTaskProtectGlobalInterrupts   cfgTrue
 Enable/disable global interrupts.
#define includeTaskProtectSwitchTasks   cfgTrue
 Enable/disable task switching.
#define includeTaskProtectTickInterrupts   cfgTrue
 Enable/disable tick interrupts.
#define includeTaskProtectGlobalCritical   cfgTrue
 Disable/enable global interrupts, keep track of the level depth.
#define includeTaskProtectSwitchCritical   cfgTrue
 Disable/disable task switching, keep track of the level depth.
#define includeTaskProtectTickCritical   cfgTrue
 Disable/enable tick interrupts, keep track of the level depth.
#define includeIsrEnter   cfgTrue
 Start the isr by a context switch.
#define includeIsrExit   cfgTrue
 End the isr, switch to the OS.
#define includeIsrBegin   cfgTrue
 Start the isr, switch to the isr stack.
#define includeIsrEndReturn   cfgTrue
 Stop the isr, return to the place where the interrupt occurred.
#define includeIsrEndYield   cfgTrue
 Stop the isr, yield as quickly as possible.
#define includeIsrStartLoad   cfgTrue
 Start the stopwatch measuring time inside an unmanaged isr.
#define includeIsrStopLoad   cfgTrue
 Stop the stopwatch measuring time inside an unmanaged isr.
#define includeTaskStackCheck   cfgTrue
 Call to check how much free space is left on the task stack.
#define includeIsrStackCheck   cfgTrue
 Call to check how much free space is left on the isr stack.
#define CN_00   task0
 Specify the names of the tasks.
#define CN_01   task1
#define CN_02   task2
#define CN_03   task3
#define CN_04   task4
#define CN_05   task5
#define CN_06   task6
#define CN_07   task7
#define CN_08   task8
#define CN_09   task9
#define CN_10   taskA
#define CN_11   taskB
#define CN_12   taskC
#define CN_13   taskD
#define CN_14   taskE
#define CN_15   taskF
#define TaskIncludeOverride   cfgOverrideNon
 Specify the tasks be included and how they are started.
#define TaskInclude_task0   cfgStartRunning
 State which tasks are incorporated and how they are started.
#define TaskInclude_task1   cfgExclude
#define TaskInclude_task2   cfgExclude
#define TaskInclude_task3   cfgExclude
#define TaskInclude_task4   cfgExclude
#define TaskInclude_task5   cfgExclude
#define TaskInclude_task6   cfgExclude
#define TaskInclude_task7   cfgExclude
#define TaskInclude_task8   cfgExclude
#define TaskInclude_task9   cfgExclude
#define TaskInclude_taskA   cfgExclude
#define TaskInclude_taskB   cfgExclude
#define TaskInclude_taskC   cfgExclude
#define TaskInclude_taskD   cfgExclude
#define TaskInclude_taskE   cfgExclude
#define TaskInclude_taskF   cfgExclude
#define CapabilitiesOverride   cfgOverrideNon
 Specify the capabilities of all tasks at once.
#define Capabilities_task0   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem
 State per task what its capabilities must be.
#define Capabilities_task1   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout
#define Capabilities_task2   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout
#define Capabilities_task3   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout
#define Capabilities_task4   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout
#define Capabilities_task5   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout
#define Capabilities_task6   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout
#define Capabilities_task7   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout
#define Capabilities_task8   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout
#define Capabilities_task9   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout
#define Capabilities_taskA   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout
#define Capabilities_taskB   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout
#define Capabilities_taskC   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout
#define Capabilities_taskD   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout
#define Capabilities_taskE   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout
#define Capabilities_taskF   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout
#define StackSafety   4
 Specify the free space required on the stack when checking.
#define StackSizeOS   20
 Specify the stack of the OS.
#define StackSizeISR   8
 Specify the stack of the isr.
#define StackSizeShared   0
 Specify the size of the shared stack.
#define StackSizeOverride   cfgOverrideNon
 Specify the stack size for all tasks at once.
#define StackSize_task0   8
 Specify the stack of each task.
#define StackSize_task1   4
#define StackSize_task2   4
#define StackSize_task3   4
#define StackSize_task4   4
#define StackSize_task5   4
#define StackSize_task6   4
#define StackSize_task7   4
#define StackSize_task8   4
#define StackSize_task9   4
#define StackSize_taskA   4
#define StackSize_taskB   4
#define StackSize_taskC   4
#define StackSize_taskD   4
#define StackSize_taskE   4
#define StackSize_taskF   4
#define TimeSliceIdleTime   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick
 Specify how much run time the idle time gets.
#define TimeSliceOverride   cfgOverrideNon
 Specify the time slices for all tasks at once.
#define TimeSlice_task0   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick
 Specify how much run time each task gets per turn.
#define TimeSlice_task1   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick
#define TimeSlice_task2   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick
#define TimeSlice_task3   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick
#define TimeSlice_task4   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick
#define TimeSlice_task5   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick
#define TimeSlice_task6   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick
#define TimeSlice_task7   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick
#define TimeSlice_task8   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick
#define TimeSlice_task9   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick
#define TimeSlice_taskA   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick
#define TimeSlice_taskB   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick
#define TimeSlice_taskC   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick
#define TimeSlice_taskD   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick
#define TimeSlice_taskE   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick
#define TimeSlice_taskF   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick
#define TaskName_task0   "taak nul"
 Specify dynamic task names.
#define TaskName_task1   "taak een"
#define TaskName_task2   "taak twee"
#define TaskName_task3   "taak drie"
#define TaskName_task4   "taak vier"
#define TaskName_task5   "taak vijf"
#define TaskName_task6   "taak_zes"
#define TaskName_task7   "taak_zeven"
#define TaskName_task8   "taak_acht"
#define TaskName_task9   "taak_negen"
#define TaskName_taskA   "taak_tien"
#define TaskName_taskB   "taak_elf"
#define TaskName_taskC   "taak_twaalf"
#define TaskName_taskD   "taak_dertien"
#define TaskName_taskE   "taak_veertien"
#define TaskName_taskF   "taak_vijftien"
#define PriorityOverride   cfgOverrideNon
 Specify the priorities for all tasks at once.
#define Priority_task0   0
 Specify the initial priority of each task.
#define Priority_task1   3
#define Priority_task2   2
#define Priority_task3   3
#define Priority_task4   2
#define Priority_task5   1
#define Priority_task6   1
#define Priority_task7   1
#define Priority_task8   0
#define Priority_task9   0
#define Priority_taskA   0
#define Priority_taskB   0
#define Priority_taskC   0
#define Priority_taskD   0
#define Priority_taskE   0
#define Priority_taskF   0
#define RegisterUseOverride   cfgOverrideNon
 Specify the registers used for all tasks at once.
#define RegisterUse_task0   registersNon
 Specify which registers are used by each task.
#define RegisterUse_task1   r00r01r02r03 | r04r05r06r07
#define RegisterUse_task2   r08r09r10r11 | r12r13r14r15
#define RegisterUse_task3   r16r17r18r19 | r20r21r22r23
#define RegisterUse_task4   r24r25r26r27 | r28r29r30r31
#define RegisterUse_task5   r00r01r02r03
#define RegisterUse_task6   r04r05r06r07
#define RegisterUse_task7   r08r09r10r11
#define RegisterUse_task8   r12r13r14r15
#define RegisterUse_task9   r16r17r18r19
#define RegisterUse_taskA   r20r21r22r23
#define RegisterUse_taskB   r24r25r26r27
#define RegisterUse_taskC   r28r29r30r31
#define RegisterUse_taskD   registersAll
#define RegisterUse_taskE   registersAll
#define RegisterUse_taskF   registersAll
#define RegisterCheckOverride   cfgOverrideNon
 Specify the registers to be checked for all tasks at once.
#define RegisterCheck_task0   registersAll
 Specify which registers should be checked on each context switch.
#define RegisterCheck_task1   registersAll
#define RegisterCheck_task2   registersAll
#define RegisterCheck_task3   registersAll
#define RegisterCheck_task4   registersAll
#define RegisterCheck_task5   registersAll
#define RegisterCheck_task6   registersAll
#define RegisterCheck_task7   registersAll
#define RegisterCheck_task8   registersAll
#define RegisterCheck_task9   registersAll
#define RegisterCheck_taskA   registersAll
#define RegisterCheck_taskB   registersAll
#define RegisterCheck_taskC   registersAll
#define RegisterCheck_taskD   registersAll
#define RegisterCheck_taskE   registersAll
#define RegisterCheck_taskF   registersAll
#define InterruptStartOverride   cfgOverrideNon
 Specify the interrupts activated for all tasks at once.
#define InterruptStart_task0   cfgGlobSet | cfgTickSet
 Specify which interrupts must be activated per task at startup.
#define InterruptStart_task1   cfgGlobSet | cfgTickSet
#define InterruptStart_task2   cfgGlobSet | cfgTickSet
#define InterruptStart_task3   cfgGlobSet | cfgTickSet
#define InterruptStart_task4   cfgGlobClear | cfgTickSet
#define InterruptStart_task5   cfgGlobClear | cfgTickSet
#define InterruptStart_task6   cfgGlobClear | cfgTickSet
#define InterruptStart_task7   cfgGlobClear | cfgTickSet
#define InterruptStart_task8   cfgGlobSet | cfgTickClear
#define InterruptStart_task9   cfgGlobSet | cfgTickClear
#define InterruptStart_taskA   cfgGlobSet | cfgTickClear
#define InterruptStart_taskB   cfgGlobSet | cfgTickClear
#define InterruptStart_taskC   cfgGlobClear | cfgTickClear
#define InterruptStart_taskD   cfgGlobClear | cfgTickClear
#define InterruptStart_taskE   cfgGlobClear | cfgTickClear
#define InterruptStart_taskF   cfgGlobClear | cfgTickClear
#define EN_00   event0
 Specify the names of the events.
#define EN_01   event1
#define EN_02   event2
#define EN_03   event3
#define EN_04   event4
#define EN_05   event5
#define EN_06   event6
#define EN_07   event7
#define SN_01   slot1
 Specify the names of the slots.
#define SN_02   slot2
#define SN_03   slot3
#define SN_04   slot4
#define SN_05   slot5
#define SN_06   slot6
#define SN_07   slot7
#define SN_08   slot8
#define SN_09   slot9
#define SN_10   slotA
#define SN_11   slotB
#define SN_12   slotC
#define SN_13   slotD
#define SN_14   slotE
#define SN_15   slotF
#define SlotSizeOverride   cfgOverrideNon
 Specify the slot sizes for all tasks at once.
#define SlotSize_task0   4
 Specify the size of each slot stack per task.
#define SlotSize_task1   4
#define SlotSize_task2   4
#define SlotSize_task3   4
#define SlotSize_task4   4
#define SlotSize_task5   4
#define SlotSize_task6   4
#define SlotSize_task7   4
#define SlotSize_task8   4
#define SlotSize_task9   4
#define SlotSize_taskA   4
#define SlotSize_taskB   4
#define SlotSize_taskC   4
#define SlotSize_taskD   4
#define SlotSize_taskE   4
#define SlotSize_taskF   4
#define SlotUseOverride   cfgOverrideNon
 Specify the slot use for all tasks at once.
#define SlotUse_slot1   cfgUseAsQueu
 State how you will utilize each slot.
#define SlotUse_slot2   cfgUseAsMutex
#define SlotUse_slot3   cfgUseAsWait
#define SlotUse_slot4   cfgUseAsNon
#define SlotUse_slot5   cfgUseAsNon
#define SlotUse_slot6   cfgUseAsNon
#define SlotUse_slot7   cfgUseAsNon
#define SlotUse_slot8   cfgUseAsNon
#define SlotUse_slot9   cfgUseAsNon
#define SlotUse_slotA   cfgUseAsNon
#define SlotUse_slotB   cfgUseAsNon
#define SlotUse_slotC   cfgUseAsNon
#define SlotUse_slotD   cfgUseAsNon
#define SlotUse_slotE   cfgUseAsNon
#define SlotUse_slotF   cfgUseAsNon
#define QueuSizeOverride   cfgOverrideNon
 Specify the sizes for all queues at once.
#define QueuSize_slot1   8
 Specify the size of each queu.
#define QueuSize_slot2   10
#define QueuSize_slot3   10
#define QueuSize_slot4   10
#define QueuSize_slot5   10
#define QueuSize_slot6   10
#define QueuSize_slot7   10
#define QueuSize_slot8   10
#define QueuSize_slot9   10
#define QueuSize_slotA   10
#define QueuSize_slotB   10
#define QueuSize_slotC   10
#define QueuSize_slotD   10
#define QueuSize_slotE   10
#define QueuSize_slotF   10
#define FN_00   file0
 Specify the file names.
#define FN_01   file1
#define FN_02   file2
#define FN_03   file3
#define FN_04   file4
#define FN_05   file5
#define FN_06   file6
#define FN_07   file7
#define FN_08   file8
#define FN_09   file9
#define FN_10   fileA
#define FN_11   fileB
#define FN_12   fileC
#define FN_13   fileD
#define FN_14   fileE
#define FN_15   fileF
#define FileSpaceStandard   32
 Specify the standard file size.
#define FileSpaceOverride   cfgOverrideNon
 Specify the file space for all files at once.
#define FileSpace_file0   32
 Specify the space (maximum size) of each file.
#define FileSpace_file1   178
#define FileSpace_file2   0
#define FileSpace_file3   8
#define FileSpace_file4   1
#define FileSpace_file5   1
#define FileSpace_file6   0
#define FileSpace_file7   6
#define FileSpace_file8   0
#define FileSpace_file9   0
#define FileSpace_fileA   0
#define FileSpace_fileB   0
#define FileSpace_fileC   8
#define FileSpace_fileD   0
#define FileSpace_fileE   12
#define FileSpace_fileF   0

Define Documentation

#define callAppBark   cfgFalse

Activates the watchdog hook called when the watchdog barks.

When using the watchdog facility a task that gets stuck is reset. Usually there is some cleaning up to do before the loop is called again. (The init of the task is not called again!) This is done inside appBark(). The task is first re-intialized (cleanup stack and variables) and afterwards restarted (call loop). The bark section is optional however. Decide here if you want such a section. Activate cfgUseTaskWatchdog to make use of the watchdog facility.

Definition at line 1336 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define callAppBoot   cfgFalse

Enable initialization hook called before any context construction.

There may be some initialization code that is shared for all tasks. This can be put inside the the function appBoot(). This is called inside OS space, and none of the tasks are already set up at that moment. It is usually a lot more effective to collect the initialization code of the tasks that to give all tasks its own initialization code. Only put code here that only needs to be done at the very start. It is not called again if a particular task is restarted after a watchdog bark for instance.

Definition at line 1310 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define callAppEnterIdle   cfgFalse

Activates the idle hook that fires just before going idle.

Just before the system goes idle you can perform some tasks when installing the hook appEnterIdle(). If you do so, activate it here by setting this option to cfgTrue. Your code is run with tick interrupts disabled, so be very brief. Depending on the setting of the interrupt options other interrupts may occur. Of course the call runs in OS space.

Definition at line 1271 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define callAppEnterSleep   cfgFalse

Enable sleep hook that fires just before going to low power sleep.

Just before the system goes to sleep appEnterSleep() is called. You can perform last tasks before the low power mode is activated. The time spend in your routine is not counted for, so be very brief. The call runs in OS space, and global interrupts are disabled. If you arrive here, you can be certain the device will not be interrupted before it goes to sleep. The sleep itself however may be short or even absent (if you chose the cfgNumSleepThreshold lower as cfgNumSleepPeriod).

Definition at line 1284 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define callAppExitSleep   cfgFalse

Enable sleep hook that fires just after going to low power sleep.

Just after the sleep period is over appExitSleep() is called. You can perform some tasks before the system is restarted. Time spend in your routine is not counted for, so be very brief. The call runs in OS space, and global interrupts are disabled again, and you can be sure that if you arrive here, no other tasks where started since the wake up. Other interrupts may have occurred and run however.

Definition at line 1296 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define callAppInit   cfgFalse

Enable initialization hook called before task context construction.

It may be necessary however to individually give every task its own startup code. If so, set this parameter to cfgTrue. Note that this implies that every task must have an init method, although it may be empty. Note that it is possible to set both callAppBoot and callAppInit to cfgTrue. The appBoot() is called first, followed by init methods of the tasks. In appInit code is placed that must be called before the task may start. If a task is restarted manually this is not re-executed.

Definition at line 1323 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define callAppTick00   cfgFalse

Activates the tick hook that fires every tick.

If there is some work that must be done every tick define your own tick00() method and set this option to cfgTrue. Now is is called every tick. Needles to say you must keep the work short. The code runs in OS stack space, and the system cannot check if the OS stack overflows inside your code, so be careful, and check you assembler how much stack is used in the code. Although called every tick, the calls may not be equidistant in time. This heavily depends on the way you set up the time slice parameters.

If use is made of cfgUseEquidistantTicks == cfgTrue the calls should be fairly constant over time (aside from interrupts), and if you use variable time slicing, it may get silent for longer timers, up to several times the tick time, and than these are caught up afterwards. Note that you can be sure that on every call the tick counter itself only is incremented by one since the last call. (Not that you can do much with the tick counter, you cannot get it's value form inside the tick hook) The only exception being when the system is in low power sleep. The missed calls due to a low power sleep are not caught up.

Definition at line 1223 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define callAppTick08   cfgFalse

Activates the tick hook that fires every 256 ticks.

This method is called every 256 ticks, and always after the tick00 has been called. Further the same conditions apply.

Definition at line 1231 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define callAppTick16   cfgFalse

Activates the tick hook that fires every 65536 ticks.

This method is called every 65536 ticks, so when the tick counter overflows. It may be used to extend the tick counter to 32 bits, if needed. Note that, due to the rounding errors in the timer model, it is not particularly well suited to make an accurate clock, only perhaps when cfgUseEquidistantTicks is set to cfgTrue. You still have the drift of the driving crystal though.

When in low power sleep, this call is of course skipped. If however, you manually correct the tick counter after sleep, and the sleep time was less than one full round (<65536 ticks) than the appTick16() call is made anyway so that for instance, your 32 tick counter remains accurate.

Definition at line 1248 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define callAppTickSleep   cfgFalse

Enable sleep hook that fires at in-between wakeups.

When cfgUseLowPowerOnDelay is activated the device wakes up periodically (with intervals set by cfgNumSleepPeriod) to see if the sleep time is over. You can define a hook on these wake ups to do some bookkeeping. This call takes place in OS space, and the device may go to sleep again afterwards, if the sleeping time was not over yet. Use this for example to keep an external clock in sync, or to flash a heart beat led.

Definition at line 1260 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Capabilities_task0   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem

State per task what its capabilities must be.

You can choose to specify per task what the capabilities should be. Some of the capabilities (which must be activated above) can be activated on a task by task basis. The preprocessor can generate more optimal code in some cases. Also, you usually use less ram that way. Also some runtime optimization takes place.

You can choose from the following capabilities: cfgCapWatchdog, cfgCapEvent, cfgCapCritical, cfgCapSynchronization, cfgCapFileSystem, cfgCapTimeout, cfgCapDelay, cfgCapAll, cfgCapNon. (cfgCapCritical is only needed for nested critical sections)

It is always safe (and usually more convenient while developing) to set all Capabilities to cfgCapAll. Omitting to specify a capability which is used in a particular task may result bugs that are very hard to find, since some ram locations will be used for multiple purposes in that case. Specifying values here other than cfgCapAll for all tasks is on of the last optimizations you should perform. When checkMethodUse is activated Femto OS checks if you specified the correct capabilities on every API call when applicable.

Only firing an event from a task does not require the task to have event capabilities, but waiting for an event does.

Definition at line 2017 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Capabilities_task1   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout

Definition at line 2018 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Capabilities_task2   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout

Definition at line 2019 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Capabilities_task3   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout

Definition at line 2020 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Capabilities_task4   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout

Definition at line 2021 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Capabilities_task5   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout

Definition at line 2022 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Capabilities_task6   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout

Definition at line 2023 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Capabilities_task7   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout

Definition at line 2024 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Capabilities_task8   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout

Definition at line 2025 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Capabilities_task9   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout

Definition at line 2026 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Capabilities_taskA   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout

Definition at line 2027 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Capabilities_taskB   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout

Definition at line 2028 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Capabilities_taskC   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout

Definition at line 2029 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Capabilities_taskD   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout

Definition at line 2030 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Capabilities_taskE   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout

Definition at line 2031 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Capabilities_taskF   cfgCapDelay | cfgCapWatchdog | cfgCapEvent | cfgCapCritical | cfgCapSynchronization | cfgCapFileSystem | cfgCapTimeout

Definition at line 2032 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define CapabilitiesOverride   cfgOverrideNon

Specify the capabilities of all tasks at once.

You can specify one fixed Capabilities value for all tasks by using CapabilitiesOverride. If you want to specify the Capabilities setting per task, set CapabilitiesOverride to cfgOverrideNon, and define the value for each task separately. If you define each task as well as the CapabilitiesOverride the latter takes precedence, so the fixed value overrides values specified per task (if unequal to cfgOverrideNon). Defining this value is not required.

See Capabilities_[taskname] for explanation.

Definition at line 1989 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgCheckAlwaysFatal   cfgFalse

Decide if all reported errors should be treated as fatal.

Some error the system can report are fatal by nature, Femto OS cannot recover from them. Some errors however are no so severe, and the OS can, for example, simply terminate the offending task, and try to continue business as usual. Setting this option to cfgTrue makes the system treat all errors as fatal. In the early stage of development this is advised since otherwise you may miss an error.

Make sure you have enough OS stack if you set this option to false, since error handle may require a lot of stack on top of the regular stack handling. Os stack checking is not performed inside the error handling.

Definition at line 554 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgCheckApplication   cfgTrue

Activate checking of the user quality assurance.

Use this switch for you own application, to switch on some leds or other means of quality assurance. This option is not used in Femto OS. It is reserved for user application purposes.

Definition at line 692 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgCheckIsrStack   cfgTrue

Check if the isr stack keeps with the given limits.

In an isr no context switching occurs, so the only way to check this stack is the option includeIsrStackCheck. Switch this option on if you want to use the checking.

Definition at line 627 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgCheckMethodUse   cfgTrue

Checks if you make proper use of the API.

There are several rules about how to use the API of the Femto OS. It is your responsibility to honor them. For example, Slot 0 may not be used, priorities may not exceed 7 etc. The OS does not protect you from misuse, since in embedded systems there is usually no one who can click on the OK button when an error is reported. But during development you can check most of the rules on use by switching on this option.

Definition at line 683 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgCheckOsStack   cfgTrue

Check if the OS stack keeps within the given limits.

Set to cfgTrue to let the OS check its own use of the stack. The free space of the OS stack is measured in the deepest calls of the OS. The StackSafety parameter is NOT taken into account. The use of the OS stack is highly dependent of the capabilities and on the setting of of the cfgCheckTaskStack parameter, but not so much on the used methods of the system.

Therefore, it is best to first test with cfgCheckOsStack and cfgCheckTaskStack set to cfgTrue. Then, first switch of cfgCheckTaskStack and reduce the StackOS as much as possible. If the system runs error free, you may switch off cfgCheckOsStack too. Since the call to the method checking the OS is two bytes by itself, sometimes the OS Stack can be reduced two bytes more, but this is risky. Please note that running without errors and/or cfgCheckOsStack with set to cfgTrue is no absolute guaranty the stack will not overflow.

Definition at line 601 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgCheckQueuFilling   cfgTrue

Check if the queu's are not overrun or underrun.

Queus may be written to, even if there are full. This is important, since inside an isr you cannot block and wait until the queu is read. The same applies for reading, this may be done on an empty queu. However, you can not expect sensible results when doing so, the only guarantee you have is that the system does not deadlock.

Thus, it would be nice if you can see if such a situation occurs. By setting the option to cfgTrue, overrun and underrun of the queus become an error, but only when called from a task. When called from inside an isr environment, superfluous bytes are still silently ignored and zero bytes are provided when the the queus is empty. This is because we do not know how to act after an error in that case.

Definition at line 670 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgCheckRegisters   cfgTrue

Check if use is made of registers not saved on the context.

This is a life saver too. It checks unauthorized use of registers on every context switch. It reports an error and shuts the task down before the task is restarted with erroneous registers. Checking on the registers is a little to strict, since registers only used with interrupt protected area's need not to be saved on the context. However, the system cannot make that distinction, so it reports on the save side. If you know exactly what you are doing, you may reduce the number of registers after you have switched off this option. The use of the Tbit is also checked with this option.

Definition at line 643 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgCheckReset   cfgTrue

Give a signal through the error port that the system has reset.

If you activate this option Femto OS will call portShowReset at every reset. Normally this happens only when you, yes, reset the system or reboot it. However, if your code gets lost somewhere often this results in a system reset. It is very neat when you can spot this.

Definition at line 527 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgCheckSystem   cfgTrue

Activate internal checks in the Femto OS system.

Certain design aspects of the Femto OS can be checked by setting this configuration option to true. The error triggered by this option is called internal error an must be considered a flaw or bug in the design of the system. Please file a bug report.

Definition at line 517 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgCheckTaskStack   cfgTrue

Check if each task stack keeps with the given limits.

This is your life saver. It checks unauthorized use of the stack on every context switch. Usually it reports an error and shuts the task down before the stack overflows. It requires quite some extra code and OS stack space though. This should not be a problem. When all the testing is done you can switch the option to cfgFalse and be reasonable certain, that no further stack overflow occurs.

If you have really deep functions where a context switch cannot occur use the option includeTaskStackCheck and implement its function. With this you can check how much space is really left.

Definition at line 618 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgCheckTiming   cfgTrue

Check if the tick is long enough to let OS and tasks do their jobs.

Activate this option to check the issues having to do with timing. For example, check if there is enough time left for the tasks to run, or if the delays are calculated in an orderly manner.

Definition at line 652 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgCheckTrace   cfgTrue

Activate tracing, most OS activities are reported.

With this option it is possible to trace what is happening in your system Most actions and api function calls will generate a trace event. Setting this to true may seriously slow down the system, depending on the trace handler implementation. Every task switch, api function call, error etc is reported.

Definition at line 537 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgCheckWatermarks   cfgTrue

Keep watermarks of the stack and register use.

Activate this to see which registers are used and what the highest use of the stack of all tasks may be. These are estimates, measured at certain moments. There is no way to be absolutely sure about the real heights of the stack or real register usage. The watermark measurement of the OS stack is only reliable when cfgSysReuseOsStack is set to cfgFalse. Otherwise it would always give full stack use. Therefore, if cfgSysReuseOsStack is set to cfgTrue, the watermark measurement of the OS will be based on the highest found stacklevel in the deeper area's of the code. This, however, is always a lower(!) bound. (In case non fatal errors occur it is certainly a dozen bytes too low.)

Note that if you activate cfgCheckRegisters also, only those registers are collected in the watermark that are checked at, since otherwise this could lead to spurious errors. If cfgCheckRegisters is de-activated the use of all registers is monitored.

Furthermore, activating cfgCheckWatermarks alone never leads to an error report, even if the stack overflows or unsaved registers are used. You must activate these options separately.

Definition at line 580 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgIntGlobalOnly   cfgFalse

To indicate that timer interrupts may be treated as global.

Normally blocking for timer interrupts and global interrupts are separate worlds. Most methods of the OS are blocked for timer interrupts but not for global interrupts (except when needed). If you however do not have any other interrupts present, you may decide not to make this distinction. All OS timer interrupt protection code is now replaced by global protection code. It can shorten the code, but, if you use interrupts for other purposes, it can make you application less responsive, since all functions now generally block all interrupts.

Definition at line 404 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgIntManualTicks   cfgTrue

Activate to let the OS manually check for tick interrupts.

If you use equidistant ticks and all the tasks have the tick interrupts disabled at some moment (or possibly all global interrupts), you have entered a full cooperative mode. This implies no timer interrupts reach the OS any more, so it must start to look manually if the interrupt flags has been set. Since there is no short way Femto OS can detect such a situation, you must indicate here that this might occur. The OS will start monitoring the timer interrupt flag, and increase the tick counter when a interrupt occurs. Note that you remain responsible that the OS is sufficiently often called in order not to miss any ticks.

If unsure, say cfgFalse here. This situation is rare in normal use. However it is not an error to activate this setting when interrupts are activated as well, but it ads unnecessary overhead to the system.

Note that, if all tasks have shared stacks this is not necessarily a full cooperative mode, since the tasks themselves are still interrupted, although this does not lead to a task switch.

Definition at line 485 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgIntOsProtected   cfgFalse

Set this to protect the Femto OS from being interrupted.

If your interrupts use ANY of the genXXXX functions, set this to cfgTrue. The internals of the OS and genXXXX functions are now protected. If your interrupts do not use such functions this may (but must not) be set to cfgFalse. Interrupts are now possible on any moment (except during context switch, since we may not have a valid stack there), so that its code is more responsive. You may use your own communication with the tasks (a shared boolean for instance), or events.

Definition at line 443 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgIntSwitchUsesOSstack   cfgFalse

Set this to let the isr run in OS space.

There are two kinds of interrupt handling. One were the interrupt directly forces a context switch and one where the interrupt method itself is responsible for the saving of the registers used. For the former method, you may decide whether you want to make use of the OS stack or the ISR stack. If you use only context switching interrupts, you do not need a ISR stack at all, simple make use of the OS stack and set the parameter to cfgTrue. If you set it to false, the isr makes use of its own ISR stack, of which the size must me defined below. A separate ISR stack is required when the OS is interruptible. ISR's that start with isrBegin() always require an ISR Stack, independent of the setting of cfgIntSwitchUsesOSstack.

Definition at line 430 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgIntTickTrack   cfgTrue

Activate to be able to block tick interrupts during part of a task.

If you need protection from context switching during part of your task by disabling the tick interrupts, you need to activate this option. (Note: you can also use the dominant state for that, and leave tick interrupts activated.) Then you can switch off tick interrupts and still task switch to an other task manually. Activating this however blocks the use of other interrupts which start or end with a context switch since that would be a back door, possibly leading to the destruction of registers. Defining tasks as cooperative is also achieved by this activating option, and, for those tasks that are cooperative, set the start interrupts to cfgTickClear.

Note that it does not make sense to activate tick tracking when cfgIntGlobalOnly is cfgTrue. This is because all tick enabling / disabling has been mapped to enable / disable of the global interrupt, and the tick interrupt remains unaltered.

Definition at line 462 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgIntUserDefined   cfgTrue

To indicate you use interrupts of your own, possibly with an isr.

If you make use of interrupt really executing some code (not counting timer interrupts or watchdog interrupts and so) set this to cfgTrue. It makes the use of the isrXXXX methods possible and makes sure the StackISR is included in the code if needed.

Definition at line 414 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgNumGlobWidth   3

Number of bits for counting the depth of global critical nesting.

Specify how many bits must be reserver to keep track of the depth of critical nesting. For example, if you specify 3 bits, 8 levels can be used. The number of bits of cfgNumGlobWidth, cfgNumSwitchWidth and cfgNumTickWidth may not exceed 8 bits, for they are stored in one byte. Specify 0 if you do not use this type of critical nesting.

Definition at line 1164 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgNumMonitorDiv   2

Determines the copy frequency of the load monitor.

Specify the divisor if the load entry timer. The mechanism is the same as for the watchdog down counter. Since the load logging is a periodic activity it is not really important when the log event occurs. It can thus occur every 256, 512, 1204 etc ticks. Please note that, if you choose your value to high some load counters may overflow. The maximum number of ticks that can be monitored is 65536 / cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick. For cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick = 32, this is 2048, leading to a divisor of 3.

Definition at line 1116 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgNumSleepPeriod   1000

Number of milliseconds the device may continuously sleep.

When the device is sleeping (and there is a watchdog present in the device) it wakes up at fixed intervals to see it the total sleeping period is already over. If not, a new period of sleep starts. Of course, this repeated wakening only takes place when there is some delay timer which may expire. So both cfgUseLowPowerSleep and cfgUseLowPowerOnDelay must be set to cfgTrue.

With this parameter you can set the sleep period in milliseconds. Every wakening costs energy so you don't want to set it to low. However, if you set it to large, the period may exceed the remaining sleep time to quickly, and if that happens, the device stays awake without a real need. The minimum time is 250ms, the maximum time is device dependent, 2 or 8 seconds. In any case, the value you give will be rounded and maximized, so it makes no sense to specify it up to the millisecond.

Furthermore, depending on the tick time different values of the cfgNumSleepPeriod imply different calculation methods, which, in turn may have a dramatic impact on the code size. So, experiment with different values.

Definition at line 1141 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgNumSleepThreshold   2500

Minimum number of milliseconds the delay must be for sleeping.

Set the minimum number of milliseconds the shortest delay must have in order to go to low power sleep. the minimum is about 250 ms, Note that the option cfgUseLowPowerSleep and cfgUseLowPowerOnDelay must be set to cfgTrue. It makes no sense to set it to a lower as the value of cfgNumSleepPeriod although it does not harm either. Set it high enough to make sleep worthwhile but not to high since otherwise sleep will never occur.

Definition at line 1153 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgNumSwitchWidth   3

Number of bits for counting the depth of switch critical nesting.

Specify how many bits must be reserver to keep track of the depth of critical nesting. For example, if you specify 3 bits, 8 levels can be used. The number of bits of cfgNumGlobWidth, cfgNumSwitchWidth and cfgNumTickWidth may not exceed 8 bits, for they are stored in one byte. Specify 0 if you do not use this type of critical nesting.

Definition at line 1175 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgNumTickWidth   2

Number of bits for counting the depth of tick critical nesting.

Specify how many bits must be reserver to keep track of the depth of critical nesting. For example, if you specify 3 bits, 8 levels can be used. The number of bits of cfgNumGlobWidth, cfgNumSwitchWidth and cfgNumTickWidth may not exceed 8 bits, for they are stored in one byte. Specify 0 if you do not use this type of critical nesting.

Definition at line 1186 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgNumWatchdogDiv   3

Determines the frequency of watchdog checkups.

This is the divisor of the watchdog down counter. In other words, the watchdog counter, which starts at (an internal value of) 3 is decremented by one every (2^n) * 256 ticks. The (2^n)*256 tick boundary is used to determine that moment. Depending on when the watchdog is started, the first decrement may directly be after the first reset of the watchdog, or a full period of (2^n) * 256 - 1 ticks later. If the watchdog counter itself reaches 1 it starts barking. Thus, this mechanism only guarantees a minimum sleep time of the watchdog, namely (2^n)*256 ticks. n is in the interval : 0<=n<=8. Thus, for a given n the minimum watchdog time equals (2^n)*256 ticks, the maximum watchdog time 2*(2^n)*256 -1.

Definition at line 1103 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgSysClearUnusedR1   cfgTrue

Makes sure r1 is always cleared after a context switch.

Gcc assumes r1 is cleared on AVR architecture at all times. It would be pretty wasteful to store 0 on the context however. Worse, we must not only store r1, but r0, r2 and r3 also. That means four bytes of ram wasted just to store 0. Thus, you may set this to cfgTrue, and the restore context makes sure r1 is cleared at the beginning, if you did not store it. If you do store it, it is not cleaned. This is because there may be instructions (like the multiply on the avr) which actually force you (the compiler) to make use of it.

The initial value of r1 equals zero, (because of defStackInitByte) and that should stay that way provided it is not changed by hand. On the other hand, if you use assembler, you may not want this at all. In general it is save to set this to cfgTrue, even if you store r1 on the context, it costs some extra bytes though. It is not save to leave it to cfgFalse when you do not store the registers r0-r3, in any of your tasks, since gcc still assumes r1 to be zero. This may lead to very funny results and bugs which are very hard to track down.

Definition at line 217 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgSysClockDivider   1

Specify the divider on the clock frequency used in the device.

The base frequency (devClockFrequency) is the frequency that is set by the crystal, the pll and other permanent settings such as fuses. That frequency cannot be changed by software so it is defined in the portfile xxx.asm in the devices directory. Some devices have the possibility to reduce the hardware clock by prescaling to a lower value, which is then used to drive the chip. That prescaling can be defined here.

Note that you cannot just change the value to your liking. The port file must support it, and it is likely it only supports a few predefined fixed values, such as 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256 for the ATtiny861. See the port files for the allowed values. If there is no prescaler available (ATmega16) set this value to one.

Definition at line 281 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgSysDebug   cfgFalse

Used to debug on the Atmel Studio.

There is no standard way to debug the OS. The most usable form of debugging i found is making use of a simulator. Some of the example code contains values making is more easy to debug an application by reducing wait times. The AVR simulator from Atmel is not able to simulate the timers, so a trick is used. Note the code compiled with debug == cfgTrue cannot be run on real hardware.

Definition at line 70 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgSysFramePointerCounterMeasures   cfgFalse

To suppress the use of the frame pointer even further.

Sometimes the GCC compiler uses a frame pointer although we explicitly asked not to do so by -fomit-frame-pointer. It may be unavoidable at times, but GCC is not perfect and sometimes misses he can use a free register instead of a frame pointer. Frame pointers cost a lot of space in terms of flash and ram. For small functions, the avr architecture should normally not need one. If it does so, you can activate the counter measures for the OS. This boils down to binding variables to registers. It is not always successful, for the compiler might ignore such requests.

Definition at line 100 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgSysFsStorageSpace   512

Specify the total size of the storage in bytes.

The total amount of bytes used for the file system should be given here. Usually the file system is defined in onboard EEPROM, and you can use all of it. However, you can also decide to reserve half of it for other purposes for example. Per default the file system starts off at address 0x000.

Definition at line 377 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgSysGCCstartup   cfgOverride

Switch to replace the startup code produced by gcc.

Gcc produces startup code far from optimal for our (and most other) situation: -- the stack is set, since we don't need it, it is a waste: 8 bytes down the drain -- main is called rather than jumped to, a waste since returning makes no sense: 2 ram bytes gone -- empty .data section is copied: 22 bytes gone -- at least three unneeded jumps: 6 bytes -- an interrupt vector table you might not need, 26 bytes

You can define your own startup code and activate it here. The little price you pay is that, at startup, all ram must be cleared, since we don't know exactly which part was used. (information only available at compile time). This is done with the option cfgOverride. You can also completely define your startup files, inclusive your own interrupt vector table. In that case specify cfgReplace. If you want gcc to decide everything set it to cfgKeep.

It may not be possible to set this to cfgReplace for certain combination of other configuration settings. This will lead to a clear error.

IMPORTANT: if you set this to cfgReplace add the option -nostartfiles to the linker. If you set it to cgfKeep or cfgOverride, DO NOT FORGET to remove that option, otherwise the code cannot be executed. This option can be overridden from the command line by using defExtGCCstartup. If that is set to cfgKeep, cfgOverride or cfgReplace its value overrides the value defined in your config file.

Note: the functionality of this option maybe compiler version dependent. Since it is of use only for the smallest devices, i suggest you refrain from using this for devices above 16KB flash.

Note: In the current implementation no provision has been made to copy data sections, i.e. if you have predefined data it is not copied from flash to ram unless you alter the implementation in the at***.asm files or use cfgKeep. Imo you should never need anything in the data section, but that is a matter of taste i suppose.

Definition at line 367 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgSysInline   cfgFalse

Force inlining of some internal methods to reduce OS stack use.

Some methods use quite a bit of stack, i.e. they start by saving say 8 or more registers on the context. This implies not only 8 more bytes of ram use, but also 32 extra flash bytes just to store and retrieve the registers. This must be weighted against inlining those methods. Less stack, more flash, but maybe not that much more. It really depends which resource is limited. If you set inline to true you use less OS stack (Typically noticeable when using watchdog, restart of queu functionality) but more flash. Experiment to find the optimal setting. Note that changing this to false may require the need to increase OSstack. Test!

Definition at line 85 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgSysOptimized   cfgTrue

Switch between two sets of configuration parameters.

Demo applications come in two flavors: 'optimized' and 'not optimized'. This is only about the configuration parameters, the code is identical. Since it is likely the optimization done for a particular version of the compiler and circumstances will lead to incorrect code for an other version, we distribute the examples with optimization switched off. You can simply test the optimized version for all examples by switching this to true.

However, it is better to do the optimization per application by hand (following the optimization instructions). Probably you will find slightly different values for the registers used and the stack sizes. This configuration parameter is, and should be, only used inside the config_application header code.

This option can be overridden from the command line by using defExtOptimized. If that is set to cfgTrue or cfgFalse its value overrides the value defined in your config file.

Definition at line 58 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgSysReduceProEpilogue   cfgComplete

Manage the code inside the pro- and epiloge.

A lot of functions do not need to save any registers at entrance since they do not return but enter the OS system internal handling. That would be a waste of code. To make all these functions naked, you can the parameter cfgSysReduceProEpilogue to cfgNaked. This works wonderful as long as no frame pointers are used. Normally they are not needed, the functions are small and do not contain a lot of variables, there should be plenty of registers free on the avr. (Of course you compile with -fomit-frame-pointer)

However, GCC does sometimes still use a frame pointer, see the discussion on the cfgSysFramePointerCounterMeasures parameter. In that case you should not use naked functions, since naked functions do not contain frame pointer setup code. In that case you have two options if cfgSysFramePointerCounterMeasures do not eliminate the frame pointers. Set cfgSysReduceProEpilogue to cfgBikini or set it to cfgComplete. The latter is always save, but may increase your code dramatically for full pro- and epiloge code is used on all functions.

Since gcc 4.3.2 cfgBikini maps onto dressing of the methods with OS_task, which makes sure methods essentially naked, but still define a frame pointer when needed. If you have a fully patched kernel, which recognizes the attribute OS_task, you may safely put cfgBikini here.

Definition at line 126 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgSysRegisterCheckByte   0xA5

Specify the byte with which the registers are initially filled.

If you make cfgCheckTaskStack == cfgTrue the registers are filled with the value giving at cfgSysRegisterCheckByte. Each time a context switch occurs, registers said not to be used in the RegisterUse by that task are compared with the byte. In theory it is possible that a register was used, but filled with the byte you selected. To be absolutely sure, run your code several times with different values of the cfgSysRegisterCheckByte.

If you use tracing, it may be handy to use for this value 0xA5. This value is not defined for regular trace notifications. Thus if it appears in your tracing non the less, you know that a so called non used register leaked trough to the first parameter register, probably you missed some registers needed to be saved.

If you want to measure which registers are used, (opposite to analyzing the assembly) you can set this value to the same value as the stack is initialized with (defStackInitByte, usually 0). Now, registers which are context saved but not used cannot be separated from the non-saved registers, so they do not appear it the watermark measurement (activate it). So it gives an indication which registers could be removed from context saving.

This method has two drawbacks. (1) Still there may be registers which are changed, but do not have to be saved, since they are only saved in tick interrupt protected code. (2) Some registers may actually be in use, but contain zero for a longer period of time. This is can only be detected by changing defStackInitByte to some other value, but at the risk of contaminating r1.

Definition at line 161 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgSysReuseOsStack   cfgTrue

Activate this for double use of the OS stack space.

At the time a task runs, the OS stack space is not used. For the task to run however some variables must be kept (called background variables). These variables can be stored in the space used by the OS stack. This is usually save, but it cannot be absolutely guaranteed that the compiler does not produce code around the stack switch which destroys some of the variables, as a result of (future) optimization actions.

Furthermore, if you want measure the use of the OS stack by a watermarking technique, you need to set cfgFalse here too. This is because the background variables are always located at the top of the stack, so the watermark technique fill always find a fully used stack space.

If unsure, or when plenty of ram is available, say cfgFalse here, otherwise set it to cfgTrue.

Definition at line 263 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgSysSqueezeState   cfgTrue

Squeeze all info needed by Femto OS in the Status Register.

Femto OS uses a trick that saves two bytes of stack space at a context switch. The price to be paid is that it must disable the global interrupts before the portSaveContext() is called. That information can be stored in an auxiliary register (the save way) or on the status register itself. An equivalent situation arises with the internal protection of methods from interrupts.

Most devices have an general purpose register in the I/O region that can be used for this purpose. We only need one bit, the other bits are used as event flags. However, if such an register is not available the T and H flags (of the status register) are used to keep this information. This should be save. The T flag (transfer bit) is only used in special cases by gcc, and i verified that they do not collide with the way Femto OS uses the T bit. Upon context switch the T bit is conserved.

Likewise, the H bit (half carry flag) may be destroyed on a context switch. As far as i know the backend of gcc does not procedure code that depends explicitly on the H flag. Also using the latter approach the code tends to be a little shorter, but it depends on which methods are used.

To be absolutely save, or if you write assembler depending on the H flag, do not choose cfgTrue for this option.

Definition at line 244 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgSysStackGrowthUp   cfgFalse

Specify the direction the stack grows.

Depending on the hardware the stack may run upwards (for example AVR or ARM) or downwards. During the development of Femto OS i did not have hardware with the stack running upwards, so the setting cfgSysStackGrowthUp == cfgTrue does not work properly at this moment.

Definition at line 172 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgSysSubTickDivider   256

Setting of the hardware prescaler of the tick counter.

The divisor of the system clock to the subtick counter. This is highly system dependent, but for most architectures the timer clocks are derived form the system clock by some prescaler. You must choose a value here in such a way that the subtick counter gets 'the right speed'. This is your formula:

defTickFrequency = devClockFrequency / (cfgSysClockDivider * cfgSysSubTickDivider * cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick)

Note that you cannot just change the value to your liking. The port file must support it, and it is likely it only supports a few predefined fixed values, such as 1,8,32,64,128,256,1024. See the port files for the allowed values.

Definition at line 327 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick   32

Subdivider for the tickcounter.

The value of the subtick counter at which the tick counter is increased by one. We assume the tick counter is generated in the port by a hardware counter passing a certain value, thereby generating an interrupt. This hardware counter produces the subticks, and the number of Subticks per full tick must be given here. You give the value taking into account a couple of conditions.

First, make sure the value of cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick give rise to the tick time of the desired length. This, by itself cannot be given as a parameter directly. Second, make sure that the hardware counter is able to count on some more before overflowing, depending on the variation you need for the time slices, so you don not want to make it to high. Third, the accuracy of the delay timers also depend on this number, this you don't want to make it to low either.

Rule of the thumb, make it 1/8 of the maximum of your hardware counter. (Thus, 8 bit counters take 32 and for 16 bit counters take 8192.) Then you can have tasks running approximately 7 ticks without being interrupted, and you have timer resolution of approx 3%. Never make it smaller as 8 in absolute sense.

Definition at line 308 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgSysZeroPageStack   cfgFalse

Reduce the stack pointer when all stacks fit on page zero.

For very small devices the high byte stack pointer may not be needed. This is comparable to the option -tinystack. However, is not limited to the RAM being limited to 255 bytes. If all stacks present (that is OS stack, ISR stack and all task stacks) fit on the first page of the RAM (note that I/O is located at that place as well) AND the compiler is able to organize the stacks directly after the I/O space, the high byte stack pointer is safely ignored. Even if the actual ram is much larger. Now, the preprocessor can sort out all off the conditions above, with one exception, that is making sure the stacks are located directly after I/O. However, you can be sure the latter is the case if the data section is empty and if shared.o is linked first. Check the file main.map to be certain. In that case you may set cfgSysZeroPageStack to cfgTrue. Note: eclipse with generated makefiles will not put shared.o first, so do not set cfgSysZeroPageStack to true in that case. Instead use the external switch to control the setting of this option: -DdefExtZeroPageStack=cfgTrue To be on the save side: set this option to cfgFalse.

Definition at line 194 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgUseCorrectWakeupTimes   cfgTrue

Activate to keep track of the last task activation times.

Setting this to cfgTrue makes sure that for every take the last wakeup time is recorded correctly. It is recorded correctly always when only delays are used to block a task. However, if tasks are also woke from suspension or sleep, or are deblocked by releasing semafores, these times are not automatically correct. You may need correct times when you use includeTaskDelayFromWake for example. If you activate this option correct wake uptime are kept internally. cfgUseDelay must be activated, for this option to make sense.

Definition at line 873 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgUseDelay   cfgTrue

If you need delays or timeouts in your code, activate this.

If you want to delay some tasks, activate this option. In the system this enables keeping track of task waiting for some time and than being rescheduled. If you make use of timeouts on synchronization primitives or make use of the restart facility, you must also enable this option.

Also, if you want to make use of cfgUseCorrectWakeupTimes you must enable it, since it makes use of delayed tasks. If you just use Femto OS as a simple scheduler without delays, you can set this to false. That saves some code and two bytes of ram per task.

Definition at line 744 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgUseEquidistantTicks   cfgTrue

Make sure every tick takes an equal amount of time.

The femto OS uses a feature called Honest Time Slicing. This means that every task gets the full time slice when it starts. This is useful when you have several tasks running indefinitely, just to make sure they all get a fair part of the time.

There are reasons however to use the standard tick interrupt system, where all tick interrupts come a fixed times. If all you tasks are blocking, for example, or if you need to derive from that time base. In the latter case set this option to cfgTrue, it saves some code too.

Further, Honest Time Slicing introduces some extra rounding errors in the timing model which makes the tick counter less accurate as a system clock as the oscillator crystal would be. If you set this option to cfgTrue however, the tick counter is firmly coupled to the system clock, so that, if you want to use the tick counter as a time source, you only need to calibrate the system clock, i.e. the crystal. Some hardware may be driven by very accurate crystals, and then, with this option set to cfgTrue, you can make an accurate clock.

Definition at line 729 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgUseEvents   cfgTrue

Lightweight messaging system between tasks and/or isr.

There are eight events which can be given a name. A task may send and event or may block waiting on one or more events to take place. An event may be fired from an isr, even if the OS is made interruptible. The event itself is not stored. As it takes place, all tasks blocking on that particular event are released. If a task blocks after an event has taken place, it has to wait for a new event. Tasks that block on more than one event are released when all events have taken place at least once.

Definition at line 1061 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgUseEventsOnVariables   cfgTrue

Activate if you need to use genFireEvent on variables.

In normal circumstances it is most efficient to call genFireEvent on a compile time constant only. Depending on the location of the event register (and other configuration parameters) this may compile to a single (atomic) instruction. The isrFireEvent() method may only be called upon compile time constants! Sometimes however is may be needed to have some variable (e.g. a counter) which determines which event to fire. In that case you need to activate the parameter cfgUseEventsOnVariables. This makes sure the method genFireEvent() is used instead of its macro. It generates a lot of code however. Setting this parameter makes only sense in combination with cfgUseEvents set to cfgTrue.

Definition at line 1078 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgUseFileSystem   cfgTrue

Activate the Femto File System on EEPROM.

With this option you can indicate that you want to make use of the Femto File System that is defined as FS on the EEPROM. Synchronized access (single write, multiple read) to the EEPROM is organized by the FFS and there is no need to use slots. Also, the system blocks the writing task until the burnlock on the eeprom has been released.

Definition at line 1004 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgUseFileSystemConcurrentRead   cfgTrue

Separate read/write regions from read only regions.

This option enables you to choose to open a file in read/write mode or in read mode only. The advantage of the latter is that more tasks can simultaneously read from the file system. If an other task wants to write, no new reader tasks are allowed any more until all readers are finished. Then (one) writing task is allowed. This is also known are a singlewritermultiplereader synchronizer. But even if you have one task active at most on the file system it can be handy, since tasks that are only reading on the file system may be put to sleep, whereas writing tasks are never.

Definition at line 1019 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgUseFileSystemEconomyMode   cfgTrue

Option to save erase/write cycles on the file system / eeprom.

Normally writing a bytes triggers an erase before the write. However, depending on the content of the byte written, this may not be necessary. If you activate the economy mode, every byte is read prior to being written and on the basis of the content it is decided if an erase, a write or both are needed. Of course, this increases the code somewhat and introduces some more overhead. On the other side, you the eeprom will last longer (less erases) and the writing time will be shorter on average. This option is only available on devices that support split byte programming, and should be set to cfgFalse in such a feature is not present.

Definition at line 1035 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgUseFileSystemMaintainFAT   cfgTrue

Keep a table with the use of all files.

If you activate this option, Femto OS will maintain a 'FAT' table at the start of the file space. Every entry of the table contains the length of corresponding files. After a file system format these are all zero. Since files are on fixed locations and their maximum length cannot change, there is no need to keep more information. If you want to append bytes to a file, or want to set the size explicitly, for example, you need this feature.

Definition at line 1047 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgUseHierarchicalRoundRobin   cfgTrue

Activate to make sure task are started round robin strictly prioritized.

Normally, round robin scheduling is applied only on the highest priority that has tasks available that are able to run. The tasks that did (or didn't) run on other priorities are forgotten. Thus, any time the scheduler returns to a new priority, the round (re)starts from the beginning. This is not always desirable, since this may lead to the starvation of some tasks in special circumstances. If these occur, activate this option, to be certain that all tasks on all priorities are given a chance to run.

Definition at line 785 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgUseLoadMonitor   cfgTrue

To keep track of the time spend in all tasks, os and isr.

With this option it is possible to monitor how much time is spend in each of the tasks. Compare it to the traditional task manager. You must read the accumulated values at hand. The values are measured in subticks. Activating this option increases the ram use a lot. The OS has to keep track of the Time spend in the OS itself (4 bytes) and the idle time (4 bytes) and possible the ISR (5 bytes) and per task spend time must be collected and stored (4 bytes per task). So if you have four tasks or so with an interrupt this facility costs 29 bytes of ram extra!

Definition at line 992 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgUseLowPowerDelayRelease   cfgTrue

Activate to correct delay times, if the device over slept.

The function call for LowPowerSleep contains a parameter which indicates the maximal sleep time. If the low power sleep takes no longer as this parameter indicates, it is guaranteed that no timer delay tasks have been expired during the sleep so no waking up is necessary. If it is however not certain that the sleep time was equal or shorter as the max sleep time, it may be needed to wake up some delayed tasks (standard sleeping tasks are woken anyhow). Then set this option to cfgTrue. Note, that it is still your responsibility to adjust the tick counter. If you forget, it will be to the system as if no time has passed at all. Requires the activation of cfgUseDelay.

Definition at line 978 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgUseLowPowerOnDelay   cfgTrue

Let the OS sleep as soon as all tasks are sufficiently delayed.

If the tasks that are not put to sleep are delayed long enough, it may be sensible to put the system in low power too. The minimal delay time for this to happen is set in the parameter cfgNumSleepThreshold. Thus if the system enters idle with all tasks either stopped for any reason or delayed long enough the system will to to sleep if this option is set. Requires the activation of cfgUseDelay.

This option may not be activated on devices that do not have a watchdog interrupt. For example the ATmega16 can only reset on watchdog, so the watchdog, used internally to limit the sleeptime cannot be used. Unfortunately there is no other mechanism which can take over this role.

The use of the watchdog as time source has one other consequence. The watchdog has its own clock, which is set in milliseconds. So you can set cfgNumSleepPeriod to any value you like, only these device predefined values will be used. The tick clock must be corrected using this values, making it dependent on the real clock frequency. You will obtain shortest code and most accurate results when the real time spend for 256 ticks is a divisor of the used predefined value of the watchdog timer.

Last thing you must know that it is your responsibility to correct the tick counter when cfgUseLowPowerOnDelay is activated, otherwise the system wakes up, but the clock is like unaltered, and the delayed task stayed delayed. This could be intentional, but not likely. So better activate includeGenAddtoTickCount. The OS then takes care of adjusting the tick counter.

Definition at line 963 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgUseLowPowerSleep   cfgTrue

Make the Femto OS aware of low power sleep modes.

As soon as all tasks are put to sleep or have stopped for an other reason (stopped due to an fatal error, suspended or locked by a semaphore) and thus the only tasks left is the idle task, the system can go to a low power mode instead of the idle task, if this option is set to cfgTrue. Timer interrupts are stopped. Note that, if only this option is set to cfgTrue, the system will not go to sleep if there are still delayed tasks left.)

One further point of attention is that interrupts are used to wake up the device from low power sleep. This may be the (internal) watchdog but could as well be some other interrupt you are currently using. Since the Femto OS is in OS mode while sleeping, it is not possible to use the switching interrupts isrEnter() and isrExit(). Interrupt routines have to start with isrBegin() and have to end with isrEndReturn(), and must have their own ISR stack. As an alternative, you can make use of the event system which does not even require isrBegin()/isrEnd(). No stack and registers are used in this case.

For the avr, code in the port.c file makes sure the system wakes up again, and correct the tick counter is restored. Please note that passed tick hooks are not catched up, except the appTick16(). Upon wake all sleeping tasks are woken per default. For indefinite sleeps the tick counter cannot be restored.

Definition at line 932 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgUseNestedCriticals   cfgTrue

If you need to nest critical blocks, activate this.

Critical sections can be made by disabling/enabling interrupts over the region you want to protect. However, this approach cannot be nested, since, when the deepest level is left, interrupts are enabled again. This nesting may occur over function calls and is therefore hard to monitor.

If you only have one level, there is no need for nesting, but otherwise, you have the option to switch cfgUseNestedCriticals to cfgTrue. Now the system keeps track of the nesting for you. The maximum number of levels depend on the use of the types of interrupts you need to protect. If is is one kind (e.g. either Global or Tick interrupts) you have 16 levels, if you use both, you have 4 levels per interrupt, which may be mixed.

If you switch this option to cfgFalse, all enter/exit critical calls are mapped to standard disable/enable calls by the preprocessor. Note, the nesting of mutexes/queu's is handled in a separate option. And second, note that, the OS itself does nest the switching of interrupts, but does not make use of this system, so in fact all levels are available for own use.

Definition at line 809 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgUsePrioritizedRelease   cfgTrue

If you want unblocking for the highest priority only.

When a mutex or queue lock is released by a task the next task may obtain that lock. If you activate this configuration parameter, the task will be the task with the highest possible priority. If there are more tasks with the same priority first the ones with a timeout will be selected. Ofter however, there are not more candidates and the search for these only takes time and space. If you know so on beforehand, set this parameter to cfgFalse.

Definition at line 823 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgUsePriorityLifting   cfgTrue

If you need to make use of priority inheritance, activate this.

A high priority task may block on a low priority task. If that low priority task never gets any processing time because, for example, there is a non blocking task at medium priority, the high priority task hangs too. In that case you may switch on cfgUsePriorityLifting. Blocking tasks sharing the same synchronization lock are lifted to the priority of that of the task with the highest priority. This, however is temporary. As soon as the lock is released, the priorities are restored to there initial value. Beware, the are not restored to there last value, but to the value it started with at the beginning, i.e. the priority of Priority_XXXX.

Definition at line 838 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgUseSynchronization   cfgSyncDoubleBlock

Activate if you make use of the synchronization primitives.

Specify here how you want the synchronization to be used. All synchronization Information is kept in a slotstack, one for each task. The size of that stack can be defined further below. The way this is stack is 'formatted', is chosen here. The more complex the formatting, the more possibilities and the more code generated by the preprocessor. You can choose from cfgSyncSingleSlot, cfgSyncSingleBlock, cfgSyncDoubleBlock and cfgSyncNon.

If you do not want to make any use of synchronization set this to cfgSyncNon. Please note that, although no code is included to handle slots, the slot stacks may still claim ram. Set them explicitly to zero if you do not need them. If you choose for cfgSyncSingleSlot, one slot may be occupied per task at every moment and no nesting is allowed. This takes one byte for every task using slots. It makes no sense to define the SlotSizes larger than one (and it is forbidden, to make sure we can optimize the code).

If you choose for cfgSyncSingleBlock, every task may hold one blocking slot at a time, and may use the rest of the bytes in the slot stack for other free locks or nesting. Every byte can hold two slots (one per nibble). If you choose for cfgSyncDoubleBlock, every task may hold two blocking slots, on which it blocks simultaneously. The other bytes in the slot stack are used for free locks.

Definition at line 772 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgUseTasknames   cfgTrue

Activate to reserve room in flash for dynamic task names.

All tasks have compile time (literal) tasks names. This makes handling more easy. Usually the presence of dynamic task names is a waste of space, since nobody is watching the embedded system. Besides, tasks cannot be dynamically loaded or unloaded, so it is known on any time which tasks are running ;-) However there may be reasons where dynamic task names may be handy, and this is the option you need to set to cfgTrue in order to make use of them. If it is set to cfgFalse, the names are not compiled in, regardless if they are specified below.

Definition at line 904 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgUseTaskWatchdog   cfgTrue

Activate this to protect a task against infinite loops and waits.

You can protect your tasks with a watchdog. If you set this option to cfgTrue, all tasks which contain a bark() method are called when the watchdog expires, if you activated the callAppBark. Shortly before the task is reinitialized (stack/variables cleaned) and afterwards restarted (loop called). Only the priority of the task is retained, the rest of the status info is renewed.

The init code of the task, if present, is not called. Redo any work in the bark section, or call init from bark. The watchdog must be activated per task separately, since it is likely you only want to protect only some tasks, bus drivers for example. After a restart the watchdog is deactivated, as it always is when a task starts. Please note that only (!) running tasks are watched. A blocking, delayed or sleeping task can never be barked at. Thus if two tasks are waiting on each other in a block, these tasks may still deadlock. Shared tasks that are not scheduled are not watched, nor is the watchdog decreasing its lifetime.

Definition at line 859 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define cfgUseTimeout   cfgTrue

Activate to enable timeout on all synchronizing methods.

Blocking calls on synchronizing methods may be given a timeout parameter. For this to be effective though, i.e. in order to make sure the code is present for releasing the task on a timeout, this option must be set to cfgTrue. Otherwise the timeout parameter is ignored, and the call or returns with the lock obtained or never returns. The return value itself is undefined, and may even be false, in that case. Activating this implies activation of cfgUseDelay (if cfgUseSynchronization is not equal to cfgSyncNon), even if cfgUseDelay is set to false, internally, but you must still activate cfgUseDelay if you want to make explicit use of delays.

TODO: Change the name in cfgUseTimeout

Definition at line 890 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define CN_00   task0

Specify the names of the tasks.

Internally the Femto OS work with task numbers. These run from 0 to defNumberOfTasks-1. The defNumberOfTasks parameter is defined internally, in this list you define which names you will be using. Furthermore, the task number given to a particular task is done in the order defined below, that is, starting with CN_00 CN_01 etc, if they are to be included in the system (see include tasks).

The maximum number of tasks is 16. The task names you define here are used below, all handled by the preprocessor, so theses static names do not cost any ram, and need not to be short. There is no need to remove unused parameters.

Definition at line 1900 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define CN_01   task1

Definition at line 1901 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define CN_02   task2

Definition at line 1902 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define CN_03   task3

Definition at line 1903 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define CN_04   task4

Definition at line 1904 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define CN_05   task5

Definition at line 1905 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define CN_06   task6

Definition at line 1906 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define CN_07   task7

Definition at line 1907 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define CN_08   task8

Definition at line 1908 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define CN_09   task9

Definition at line 1909 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define CN_10   taskA

Definition at line 1910 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define CN_11   taskB

Definition at line 1911 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define CN_12   taskC

Definition at line 1912 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define CN_13   taskD

Definition at line 1913 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define CN_14   taskE

Definition at line 1914 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define CN_15   taskF

Definition at line 1915 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define EN_00   event0

Specify the names of the events.

Femto OS has 8 events for free use, when cfgUseEvents is activated. Here they can be given (compile time) names. You would normally use events only through the genFireEventOnName() function. This is because on the avr, only the firing of single constant events generate an atomic instruction. Therefore such a call does not need to be interrupt protected.

Definition at line 2543 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define EN_01   event1

Definition at line 2544 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define EN_02   event2

Definition at line 2545 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define EN_03   event3

Definition at line 2546 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define EN_04   event4

Definition at line 2547 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define EN_05   event5

Definition at line 2548 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define EN_06   event6

Definition at line 2549 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define EN_07   event7

Definition at line 2550 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FileSpace_file0   32

Specify the space (maximum size) of each file.

Here you can define the maximal length of each file. Files may not exceed the given length, and are protected at writing. You can skip a file by setting its space to zero. You need not use all space.

The FAT specifies for each file how much bytes are written. Note: The preprocessor cannot check if you define spaces here for files that have not been previously declared with a file name. Usually this is harmless, but the preFileDefined() may produce false results in this case.

Definition at line 2887 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FileSpace_file1   178

Definition at line 2888 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FileSpace_file2   0

Definition at line 2889 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FileSpace_file3   8

Definition at line 2890 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FileSpace_file4   1

Definition at line 2891 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FileSpace_file5   1

Definition at line 2892 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FileSpace_file6   0

Definition at line 2893 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FileSpace_file7   6

Definition at line 2894 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FileSpace_file8   0

Definition at line 2895 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FileSpace_file9   0

Definition at line 2896 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FileSpace_fileA   0

Definition at line 2897 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FileSpace_fileB   0

Definition at line 2898 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FileSpace_fileC   8

Definition at line 2899 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FileSpace_fileD   0

Definition at line 2900 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FileSpace_fileE   12

Definition at line 2901 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FileSpace_fileF   0

Definition at line 2902 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FileSpaceOverride   cfgOverrideNon

Specify the file space for all files at once.

You can specify one fixed FileSpace value for all tasks by using FileSpaceOverride. If you want to specify the FileSpace setting per task, set FileSpaceOverride to cfgOverrideNon, and define the value for each task separately. If you define each task as well as the FileSpaceOverride the latter takes precedence, so the fixed value overrides values specified per task (if unequal to cfgOverrideNon). Defining this value is not required.

This fixed value is not used to define FileSpaceStandard. See FileSpace_[filename] for explanation.

Definition at line 2873 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FileSpaceStandard   32

Specify the standard file size.

Space not used for regular predefined files is filled up with files of standard size. These files cannot be reached with a compile time name, only under file number.

The FAT specifies for each file how much bytes are written.

Definition at line 2858 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FN_00   file0

Specify the file names.

Files are numbered internally, but can be given names, just like the tasks. Only the first 16 files can have such a names. The rest of the file space is divided into anonymous files of default length. Handle the files using their names in the OnName methods. If the number of a particular named file is needed use preFileNumberOf([FileName]) instead of directly specifying the number, which may be due to change.

Definition at line 2827 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FN_01   file1

Definition at line 2828 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FN_02   file2

Definition at line 2829 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FN_03   file3

Definition at line 2830 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FN_04   file4

Definition at line 2831 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FN_05   file5

Definition at line 2832 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FN_06   file6

Definition at line 2833 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FN_07   file7

Definition at line 2834 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FN_08   file8

Definition at line 2835 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FN_09   file9

Definition at line 2836 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FN_10   fileA

Definition at line 2837 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FN_11   fileB

Definition at line 2838 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FN_12   fileC

Definition at line 2839 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FN_13   fileD

Definition at line 2840 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FN_14   fileE

Definition at line 2841 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define FN_15   fileF

Definition at line 2842 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenAddtoTickCount   cfgTrue

Add the given number of ticks to the tick counter.

Definition at line 1433 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenCountEventBlocks   cfgTrue

Count number of blocks on a particular combination of events.

Activate cfgUseEvents to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1551 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenFireEvent   cfgTrue

Fire an event from any location.

Activate cfgUseEvents to make use of the this facility.

Definition at line 1537 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenFireEventSet   cfgTrue

Release all tasks waiting on events.

Activate cfgUseEvents to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1544 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenGetLastWakeTime   cfgTrue

Return the time the task was last woken.

Activate cfgUseDelay to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1440 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenGetPriority   cfgTrue

Return the current priority of a given task.

Definition at line 1423 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenGetTaskname   cfgTrue

Get the address from a task name.

Activate cfgUseTasknames to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1461 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenGetTickCount   cfgTrue

Get the tick counter.

Definition at line 1428 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenLogOs   cfgTrue

Binary one liner about the os.

Definition at line 1492 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenLogTask   cfgTrue

Binary one liners about every task.

Definition at line 1487 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenPassFlashString   cfgTrue

Auxiliary function to push a string on a pipe.

Definition at line 1510 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenPipeInt16   cfgFalse

Auxiliary function to push a Tint16 on a pipe.

Definition at line 1505 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenQueuClear   cfgFalse

Clear the queu.

Activate cfgUseSynchronization, and have cfgUseAsQueu defined on at least one task to make use of the this facility.

Definition at line 1617 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenQueuEmpty   cfgTrue

See if the queu is empty.

Activate cfgUseSynchronization, and have cfgUseAsQueu defined on at least one task to make use of the this facility.

Definition at line 1657 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenQueuFull   cfgTrue

See if the queu is full.

Activate cfgUseSynchronization, and have cfgUseAsQueu defined on at least one task to make use of the this facility.

Definition at line 1649 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenQueuPeek   cfgTrue

Look ahead what the next byte to read would be.

Activate cfgUseSynchronization, and have cfgUseAsQueu defined on at least one task to make use of the this facility.

Definition at line 1625 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenQueuRead   cfgTrue

Read a byte from the queu.

Activate cfgUseSynchronization, and have cfgUseAsQueu defined on at least one task to make use of the this facility.

Definition at line 1609 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenQueuReadable   cfgTrue

See how many bytes can be read from the queu.

Activate cfgUseSynchronization, and have cfgUseAsQueu defined on at least one task to make use of the this facility.

Definition at line 1633 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenQueuWrite   cfgTrue

Write a byte on the queu.

Activate cfgUseSynchronization, and have cfgUseAsQueu defined on at least one task to make use of the this facility.

Definition at line 1601 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenQueuWriteable   cfgTrue

See how many bytes can be written to the queu.

Activate cfgUseSynchronization, and have cfgUseAsQueu defined on at least one task to make use of the this facility.

Definition at line 1641 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenReboot   cfgTrue

Reboot the system.

Definition at line 1471 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenResume   cfgTrue

Resume the given task from suspension.

Definition at line 1399 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenSetPriority   cfgTrue

Set a new priority for the given task.

Definition at line 1418 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenSuspend   cfgTrue

Suspend a task, but do not invoke a context switch.

Definition at line 1389 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenTrace   cfgTrue

Send a byte, word or marker trough the trace.

Activate cfgCheckTarce to make use of the this facility. includes genTraceByteInfo(), genTraceWordInfo() and genTraceMarker().

Definition at line 1500 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeGenWaitRelease   cfgTrue

Release all wait locks on this slot.

Activate cfgUseSynchronization to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1571 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeIsrBegin   cfgTrue

Start the isr, switch to the isr stack.

Activate cfgIntUserDefined to make use of the this facility.

Definition at line 1830 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeIsrEndReturn   cfgTrue

Stop the isr, return to the place where the interrupt occurred.

Activate cfgIntUserDefined to make use of the this facility.

Definition at line 1837 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeIsrEndYield   cfgTrue

Stop the isr, yield as quickly as possible.

Activate cfgIntUserDefined to make use of the this facility.

Definition at line 1844 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeIsrEnter   cfgTrue

Start the isr by a context switch.

Activate cfgIntUserDefined to make use of the this facility.

Definition at line 1816 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeIsrExit   cfgTrue

End the isr, switch to the OS.

Activate cfgIntUserDefined to make use of the this facility.

Definition at line 1823 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeIsrFireEvent   cfgTrue

Fire an event from the isr.

Activate cfgUseEvents to make use of the this facility.

Definition at line 1530 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeIsrStackCheck   cfgTrue

Call to check how much free space is left on the isr stack.

Depending on the settings of cfgCheckIsrStack, cfgCheckWatermarks and cfgIntSwitchUsesOSstack the call be be replaced by an empty call.

Definition at line 1878 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeIsrStartLoad   cfgTrue

Start the stopwatch measuring time inside an unmanaged isr.

Activate cfgIntUserDefined, cfgIntOsProtected and includeTaskYield to make use of the this facility. If you do not activate cfgUseLoadMonitor the method is replaced by an empty call.

Definition at line 1854 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeIsrStopLoad   cfgTrue

Stop the stopwatch measuring time inside an unmanaged isr.

Activate cfgIntUserDefined to make use of the this facility. If you do not activate cfgUseLoadMonitor the method is replaced by an empty call.

Definition at line 1863 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskDelayFromNow   cfgTrue

Delay your task for the given number of ticks, starting from now.

Activate cfgUseDelay to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1377 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskDelayFromWake   cfgTrue

Delay your task, starting at the last wake time.

Activate cfgUseDelay to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1384 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskFeedWatchdog   cfgTrue

Feed the watchdog in order to prevent barking.

Activate cfgUseTaskWatchdog to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1447 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskFileAccess   cfgTrue

Open and close a file.

Call taskFileOpen() and taskFileClsoe(), and taskFileDirectRead() and taskFileDirectWrite() for unmanaged raw access to the file system. Activate cfgUseFileSystem to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1673 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskFileAppendByte   cfgTrue

Append a byte to a file.

Activate cfgUseFileSystem to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1717 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskFileFormat   cfgTrue

Clear the whole file space (formats the FAT too).

Activate cfgUseFileSystem to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1680 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskFileGetSize   cfgTrue

Get the size of a file.

Activate cfgUseFileSystem to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1687 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskFileReadBuffer   cfgTrue

Read bytes from a file and put them in a buffer.

Activate cfgUseFileSystem to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1738 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskFileReadByte   cfgTrue

Read a raw byte from a file.

Activate cfgUseFileSystem to make use of the this facility Activate cfgUseFileSystemMaintainFAT to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1703 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskFileReadPipe   cfgTrue

Read bytes in a stream from a file.

Activate cfgUseFileSystem to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1724 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskFileSetSize   cfgFalse

Set the size of a file.

Activate cfgUseFileSystem to make use of the this facility Activate cfgUseFileSystemMaintainFAT to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1695 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskFileWriteBuffer   cfgTrue

Write bytes from the buffer to a file.

Activate cfgUseFileSystem to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1745 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskFileWriteByte   cfgTrue

Write a raw byte to a file.

Activate cfgUseFileSystem to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1710 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskFileWritePipe   cfgTrue

Write bytes in a stream to a file.

Activate cfgUseFileSystem to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1731 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskKillWatchdog   cfgTrue

Switch off the watchdog facility for this task.

Activate cfgUseTaskWatchdog to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1454 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskMutex   cfgTrue

Try to obtain or release a mutex on the given slot.

Call taskMutexRequest() and taskMutexRelease() Activate cfgUseSynchronization to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1579 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskProtectGlobalCritical   cfgTrue

Disable/enable global interrupts, keep track of the level depth.

Call taskEnterGlobalCritical() and taskExitGlobalCritical() Activate cfgUseNestedCriticals to make use of the this facility.

Definition at line 1785 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskProtectGlobalInterrupts   cfgTrue

Enable/disable global interrupts.

Enable (with taskEnableGlobalInterrupts()) or disable (with taskDisableGlobalInterrupts()) global interrupts, and keep track of the interrupt state over a context switch.

Definition at line 1761 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskProtectSwitchCritical   cfgTrue

Disable/disable task switching, keep track of the level depth.

Call taskEnterTickCritical() and taskExitTickCritical() Activate cfgUseNestedCriticals to make use of the this facility.

Definition at line 1793 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskProtectSwitchTasks   cfgTrue

Enable/disable task switching.

Enable (with taskEnableSwitchTask()) or disable (with taskDisableSwitchTask()) switching of tasks.

Definition at line 1769 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskProtectTickCritical   cfgTrue

Disable/enable tick interrupts, keep track of the level depth.

Call taskEnterTickCritical() and taskExitTickCritical() Activate cfgUseNestedCriticals to make use of the this facility.

Definition at line 1801 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskProtectTickInterrupts   cfgTrue

Enable/disable tick interrupts.

Enable (with taskEnableTickInterrupts()) or disable (with taskDisableTickInterrupts()) tick interrupts, and keep track of the interrupt state over a context switch.

Definition at line 1777 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskQueu   cfgTrue

Try to obtain or release a lock on a queu for n bytes.

Call taskQueuRequest() and taskQueuRelease() Activate cfgUseSynchronization to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1587 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskRecreate   cfgTrue

Recreate a task.

Definition at line 1477 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskRestart   cfgTrue

Restart a task.

Definition at line 1482 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskSleep   cfgTrue

Put this task to sleep and invoke a context switch.

Activate cfgUseLowPowerSleep to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1406 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskSleepAll   cfgTrue

Put all tasks to sleep.

Activate cfgUseLowPowerSleep to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1413 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskStackCheck   cfgTrue

Call to check how much free space is left on the task stack.

Definition at line 1870 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskSuspend   cfgTrue

Suspend this task and invoke a context switch.

Definition at line 1394 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskTerminate   cfgTrue

Stop (in error mode) one particular task.

Definition at line 1466 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskWaitForEvents   cfgTrue

Lock this task until the required event is fired.

Activate cfgUseEvents to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1523 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskWaitForTasks   cfgTrue

Lock this task until other tasks pass on the same slot.

Activate cfgUseSynchronization to make use of the this facility

Definition at line 1564 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define includeTaskYield   cfgTrue

Manual context switch.

Definition at line 1370 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define InterruptStart_task0   cfgGlobSet | cfgTickSet

Specify which interrupts must be activated per task at startup.

Specify the interrupt startup value per task. These values are used only when InterruptStartOverride is set to cfgOverrideNon, any other value takes precedence over the definitions per task.

Defining the tick interrupts is only useful when cfgIntTickTrack is set to cfgTrue, otherwise tick interrupts are always switched on per default. If cfgIntGlobalOnly is defined to cfgTrue, it makes no sense to set cfgIntTickTrack to cfgTrue since all tick interrupt changing operation are mapped to the global interrupt. If you however still decide to do so make sure you activate tick interrupts per task, since there is no possibility to do so via the OS in a later stage any more.

If cfgIntTickTrack is cfgFalse the setting of cfgTickSet / cfgTickClear is irrelevant, since timer interrupts are always activated at the start of a task, or after a context switch. However, since these settings are also relevant to choose between cooperative and preemptive tasks, the setting if cfgTick is mapped to cfgGlob when cfgIntGlobalOnly is defined to cfgTrue, making them of importance after all. Thus, if you want to work cooperatively for a task, and cfgIntGlobalOnly is set, you must still define the task to be cfgTickClear.

Definition at line 2512 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define InterruptStart_task1   cfgGlobSet | cfgTickSet

Definition at line 2513 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define InterruptStart_task2   cfgGlobSet | cfgTickSet

Definition at line 2514 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define InterruptStart_task3   cfgGlobSet | cfgTickSet

Definition at line 2515 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define InterruptStart_task4   cfgGlobClear | cfgTickSet

Definition at line 2516 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define InterruptStart_task5   cfgGlobClear | cfgTickSet

Definition at line 2517 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define InterruptStart_task6   cfgGlobClear | cfgTickSet

Definition at line 2518 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define InterruptStart_task7   cfgGlobClear | cfgTickSet

Definition at line 2519 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define InterruptStart_task8   cfgGlobSet | cfgTickClear

Definition at line 2520 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define InterruptStart_task9   cfgGlobSet | cfgTickClear

Definition at line 2521 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define InterruptStart_taskA   cfgGlobSet | cfgTickClear

Definition at line 2522 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define InterruptStart_taskB   cfgGlobSet | cfgTickClear

Definition at line 2523 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define InterruptStart_taskC   cfgGlobClear | cfgTickClear

Definition at line 2524 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define InterruptStart_taskD   cfgGlobClear | cfgTickClear

Definition at line 2525 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define InterruptStart_taskE   cfgGlobClear | cfgTickClear

Definition at line 2526 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define InterruptStart_taskF   cfgGlobClear | cfgTickClear

Definition at line 2527 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define InterruptStartOverride   cfgOverrideNon

Specify the interrupts activated for all tasks at once.

You can specify one fixed InterruptStart value for all tasks by using InterruptStartOverride. If you want to specify the InterruptStart setting per task, set InterruptStartOverride to cfgOverrideNon, and define the value for each task separately. If you define each task as well as the InterruptStartOverride the latter takes precedence, so the fixed value overrides values specified per task (if unequal to cfgOverrideNon). Defining this value is not required.

See InterruptStart_[taskname] for further explanation.

Definition at line 2486 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Priority_task0   0

Specify the initial priority of each task.

Each task starts in a predefined priority 0..7. zero being the lowest priority. All tasks in one priority run round robin, the lowest task number runs first. If in one priority there is one (or more) non blocking task(s), this tasks starves all tasks in lower priorities. This is not a problem from the systems point of view. The idle task runs in a (virtual) priority -1 which cannot be shared with any other task. Which and how many tasks run in a priority does not influence the use of resources. Priorities can be changed at runtime.

Definition at line 2345 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Priority_task1   3

Definition at line 2346 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Priority_task2   2

Definition at line 2347 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Priority_task3   3

Definition at line 2348 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Priority_task4   2

Definition at line 2349 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Priority_task5   1

Definition at line 2350 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Priority_task6   1

Definition at line 2351 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Priority_task7   1

Definition at line 2352 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Priority_task8   0

Definition at line 2353 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Priority_task9   0

Definition at line 2354 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Priority_taskA   0

Definition at line 2355 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Priority_taskB   0

Definition at line 2356 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Priority_taskC   0

Definition at line 2357 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Priority_taskD   0

Definition at line 2358 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Priority_taskE   0

Definition at line 2359 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define Priority_taskF   0

Definition at line 2360 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define PriorityOverride   cfgOverrideNon

Specify the priorities for all tasks at once.

You can specify one fixed priority value for all tasks by using PriorityOverride. If you want to specify the priority setting per task, set PriorityOverride to cfgOverrideNon, and define the value for each task separately. If you define each task as well as the PriorityOverride the latter takes precedence, so the fixed value overrides values specified per task (if unequal to cfgOverrideNon). Defining this value is not required.

See Priority_[taskname] for further explanation.

Definition at line 2331 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define QueuSize_slot1   8

Specify the size of each queu.

Define the sizes of the queus you want to use. Each Queu occupies a slot. The queus of course use resources, for each queue the number of bytes you define (size) plus three extra, which hold the information about locking reading and writing pointers. The maximum size per queue is 127 bytes.

Definition at line 2753 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define QueuSize_slot2   10

Definition at line 2754 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define QueuSize_slot3   10

Definition at line 2755 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define QueuSize_slot4   10

Definition at line 2756 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define QueuSize_slot5   10

Definition at line 2757 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define QueuSize_slot6   10

Definition at line 2758 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define QueuSize_slot7   10

Definition at line 2759 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define QueuSize_slot8   10

Definition at line 2760 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define QueuSize_slot9   10

Definition at line 2761 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define QueuSize_slotA   10

Definition at line 2762 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define QueuSize_slotB   10

Definition at line 2763 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define QueuSize_slotC   10

Definition at line 2764 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define QueuSize_slotD   10

Definition at line 2765 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define QueuSize_slotE   10

Definition at line 2766 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define QueuSize_slotF   10

Definition at line 2767 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define QueuSizeOverride   cfgOverrideNon

Specify the sizes for all queues at once.

You can specify one fixed QueuSize value for all tasks by using QueuSizeOverride. If you want to specify the QueuSize setting per task, set QueuSizeOverride to cfgOverrideNon, and define the value for each task separately. If you define each task as well as the QueuSizeOverride the latter takes precedence, so the fixed value overrides values specified per task (if unequal to cfgOverrideNon). Defining this value is not required.

See QueuSize_[slotname] for explanation.

Definition at line 2743 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterCheck_task0   registersAll

Specify which registers should be checked on each context switch.

Specify which registers you want to have checked. Registers that are defined as 'used' above are never checked, so you do not need to exclude them. Thus normally, you would set this to registersAll. However, it may be the case that you know some registers are changed in places where a tick interrupt cannot take place. Such a registers need not to be saved on the context, but may still changed, and thus trigger an error when cfgCheckRegisters is set to cgfTrue. In that case you may exclude such registers here. Even if they are changed, it will not trigger an error. Of course, at your own responsibility. If the register may turn out to be important after all, the system may crash.

These values must be provided if you use cfgCheckRegisters, per default choose for registersAll.

Definition at line 2452 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterCheck_task1   registersAll

Definition at line 2453 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterCheck_task2   registersAll

Definition at line 2454 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterCheck_task3   registersAll

Definition at line 2455 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterCheck_task4   registersAll

Definition at line 2456 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterCheck_task5   registersAll

Definition at line 2457 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterCheck_task6   registersAll

Definition at line 2458 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterCheck_task7   registersAll

Definition at line 2459 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterCheck_task8   registersAll

Definition at line 2460 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterCheck_task9   registersAll

Definition at line 2461 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterCheck_taskA   registersAll

Definition at line 2462 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterCheck_taskB   registersAll

Definition at line 2463 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterCheck_taskC   registersAll

Definition at line 2464 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterCheck_taskD   registersAll

Definition at line 2465 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterCheck_taskE   registersAll

Definition at line 2466 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterCheck_taskF   registersAll

Definition at line 2467 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterCheckOverride   cfgOverrideNon

Specify the registers to be checked for all tasks at once.

You can specify one fixed RegisterCheck value for all tasks by using RegisterCheckOverride. If you want to specify the RegisterCheck setting per task, set RegisterCheckOverride to cfgOverrideNon, and define the value for each task separately. If you define each task as well as the RegisterCheckOverride the latter takes precedence, so the fixed value overrides values specified per task (if unequal to cfgOverrideNon). Defining this value is not required.

See RegisterCheck_[taskname] for further explanation.

Definition at line 2434 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterUse_task0   registersNon

Specify which registers are used by each task.

The AVR is one example of hardware which contains many registers, most of which you probably don't use. So why save them on the context then? It takes a lot of ram and time too, so we save only those needed. This is called RegisterCompression and works per default.

Specify which registers are used in the tasks. These are defined in blocks of four registers. If no use of a register is made, it need not to be saved on the context. If a particular task uses no registers at all, use registersNon, is all registers are used use registersAll.

If you have the space it may be wise to develop with all registers saved. Registers only used inside critical sections (and this includes most functions of the Femto OS api) formally need not to be saved. However, this cannot be checked, thus it may be hard to determine if you save enough registers.

Definition at line 2400 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterUse_task1   r00r01r02r03 | r04r05r06r07

Definition at line 2401 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterUse_task2   r08r09r10r11 | r12r13r14r15

Definition at line 2402 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterUse_task3   r16r17r18r19 | r20r21r22r23

Definition at line 2403 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterUse_task4   r24r25r26r27 | r28r29r30r31

Definition at line 2404 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterUse_task5   r00r01r02r03

Definition at line 2405 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterUse_task6   r04r05r06r07

Definition at line 2406 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterUse_task7   r08r09r10r11

Definition at line 2407 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterUse_task8   r12r13r14r15

Definition at line 2408 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterUse_task9   r16r17r18r19

Definition at line 2409 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterUse_taskA   r20r21r22r23

Definition at line 2410 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterUse_taskB   r24r25r26r27

Definition at line 2411 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterUse_taskC   r28r29r30r31

Definition at line 2412 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterUse_taskD   registersAll

Definition at line 2413 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterUse_taskE   registersAll

Definition at line 2414 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterUse_taskF   registersAll

Definition at line 2415 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define RegisterUseOverride   cfgOverrideNon

Specify the registers used for all tasks at once.

You can specify one fixed RegisterUse value for all tasks by using RegisterUseOverride. If you want to specify the RegisterUse setting per task, set RegisterUseOverride to cfgOverrideNon, and define the value for each task separately. If you define each task as well as the RegisterUseOverride the latter takes precedence, so the fixed value overrides values specified per task (if unequal to cfgOverrideNon). Defining this value is not required.

See RegisterUse_[taskname] for further explanation.

Definition at line 2379 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotSize_task0   4

Specify the size of each slot stack per task.

You can specify per task how many simultaneous slots you need to use. To determine how many slots you need, and how much space this will take, you must realize the following: -- A slot can be locked or blocked by a task, or both. Every time a task locks a slot 4 bits are needed to store the slo tvalue. Two locks occupy one byte. Nesting of a synchronization primitive is realized by locking the same slot multiple times. -- Locks are internally stored in the so called slot stack. The slot stack may contain free locks (i.e. not blocked) only or may hold blocking slots. A task can block on two slots at most, which are always stored at the bottom of the stack. -- The mode in which the synchronization is placed determines how the slot stack is understood. The possible modes are: cfgSyncNon, cfgSyncSingleSlot, cfgSyncSingleBlock and cfgSyncDoubleBlock.

See also the explanation at cfgUseSynchronization. -- cfgSyncNon: No slots can be used, it makes no sense to define space for them. Set all values below to 0. -- cfgSyncSingleSlot: Only one slot per task is utilized. Values below can be 0 or 1. One byte is occupied for every task that makes use of a slot. -- cfgSyncSingleBlock: Every task may only block on one slot, but may hold one or more non blocking slots. Specify as many slots as you need. The number of free slots the total number, or the total minus one if a block is used. The minimum number of slots in this case is 2, (requires 1 byte) --cfgSyncDoubleBlock: Every task may block on one or two slots, and may hold one or more non blocking slots. Specify as many slots as you need. The number of free slots the total number, or the total minus two if blocks are used. Since in this situation, even in case a single block is used, two slot places are reserved, no free locks are possible any more. Thus the minimum for this option is 4 slots (requiring 2 bytes)

There does not exist a memory difference between 3 and 4 slots, or 5 and 6 slots. So you made round up to the next even number (except in case of one slot) Tasks that do not need slots get a 0. Note the every nesting for the same slot counts as one, so if you use a lock and reenter it in the same task, that task needs two slots. Please note that any task that makes use of the file system need at least one. At the moment the size maximum is 14 (allowing for 14 simultaneous slots.

Important: The preprocessor can generate much shorter code when all tasks that use slots have the same size. So, besides 0 use one other size if possible. Of course, you must weight that against the use of ram.

Definition at line 2653 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotSize_task1   4

Definition at line 2654 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotSize_task2   4

Definition at line 2655 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotSize_task3   4

Definition at line 2656 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotSize_task4   4

Definition at line 2657 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotSize_task5   4

Definition at line 2658 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotSize_task6   4

Definition at line 2659 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotSize_task7   4

Definition at line 2660 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotSize_task8   4

Definition at line 2661 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotSize_task9   4

Definition at line 2662 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotSize_taskA   4

Definition at line 2663 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotSize_taskB   4

Definition at line 2664 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotSize_taskC   4

Definition at line 2665 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotSize_taskD   4

Definition at line 2666 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotSize_taskE   4

Definition at line 2667 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotSize_taskF   4

Definition at line 2668 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotSizeOverride   cfgOverrideNon

Specify the slot sizes for all tasks at once.

You can specify one fixed SlotSize value for all tasks by using SlotSizeOverride. If you want to specify the SlotSize setting per task, set SlotSizeOverride to cfgOverrideNon, and define the value for each task separately. If you define each task as well as the SlotSizeOverride the latter takes precedence, so the fixed value overrides values specified per task (if unequal to cfgOverrideNon). Defining this value is not required.

See SlotSize_[taskname] for explanation.

Definition at line 2600 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotUse_slot1   cfgUseAsQueu

State how you will utilize each slot.

Specify how you want to utilize your slots. You can choose from cfgUseAsWait, cfgUseAsMutex, cfgUseAsQueu, cfgUseAsNon. Apart from the queus, slots do not take space by themselves, and the difference between Wait (a rendezvous) Mutex and Non is only in the way the use is checked. In your code you can test the use of a slot using the functions preWaitDefined([SlotName]), preMutexDefined([SlotName]) or preQueuDefined([SlotName]) to see if the particular slot was defined in that type.

The slots the queus take are always the ones numbered * 1 .. defNumberOfQueus (internally). This does not bother you much, but must be kept in mind is you want to address the queus numerically for a reason. Do not mix the use of slots.

Note: The preprocessor cannot check if you define uses here for slots that have not been previously declared with a slot name. Usually this is harmless, but the preQueuDefined(), preMutexDefined() and preWaitDefined() may produce false results in this case.

Definition at line 2710 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotUse_slot2   cfgUseAsMutex

Definition at line 2711 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotUse_slot3   cfgUseAsWait

Definition at line 2712 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotUse_slot4   cfgUseAsNon

Definition at line 2713 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotUse_slot5   cfgUseAsNon

Definition at line 2714 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotUse_slot6   cfgUseAsNon

Definition at line 2715 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotUse_slot7   cfgUseAsNon

Definition at line 2716 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotUse_slot8   cfgUseAsNon

Definition at line 2717 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotUse_slot9   cfgUseAsNon

Definition at line 2718 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotUse_slotA   cfgUseAsNon

Definition at line 2719 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotUse_slotB   cfgUseAsNon

Definition at line 2720 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotUse_slotC   cfgUseAsNon

Definition at line 2721 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotUse_slotD   cfgUseAsNon

Definition at line 2722 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotUse_slotE   cfgUseAsNon

Definition at line 2723 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotUse_slotF   cfgUseAsNon

Definition at line 2724 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SlotUseOverride   cfgOverrideNon

Specify the slot use for all tasks at once.

You can specify one fixed SlotUse value for all tasks by using SlotUseOverride. If you want to specify the SlotUse setting per task, set SlotUseOverride to cfgOverrideNon, and define the value for each task separately. If you define each task as well as the SlotUseOverride the latter takes precedence, so the fixed value overrides values specified per task (if unequal to cfgOverrideNon). Defining this value is not required.

See SlotUse_[slotname] for explanation.

Definition at line 2687 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SN_01   slot1

Specify the names of the slots.

Femto OS has 15 slots for free use, when cfgUseSynchronization is activated they do not use ram by themselves. The slots are numbered 1..15 internally, number 0 is reserved to indicate a particular lock is free. Below you can specify names for each slot. You need not to specify all. The function preSlotNumberOf([SlotName]) provides you with the possibility to find the number to a slot, needed in the Femto OS API.,

Definition at line 2567 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SN_02   slot2

Definition at line 2568 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SN_03   slot3

Definition at line 2569 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SN_04   slot4

Definition at line 2570 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SN_05   slot5

Definition at line 2571 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SN_06   slot6

Definition at line 2572 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SN_07   slot7

Definition at line 2573 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SN_08   slot8

Definition at line 2574 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SN_09   slot9

Definition at line 2575 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SN_10   slotA

Definition at line 2576 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SN_11   slotB

Definition at line 2577 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SN_12   slotC

Definition at line 2578 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SN_13   slotD

Definition at line 2579 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SN_14   slotE

Definition at line 2580 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define SN_15   slotF

Definition at line 2581 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define StackSafety   4

Specify the free space required on the stack when checking.

This parameter defines the 'danger zone' on the task stacks when checking. Thus, if your task should not require no more than 14 bytes, but you fear it may go as far as 18, define your task stack to be 18 bytes and set StackSafety to 4, it will report an error as soon as it detects values are pushed onto the stack beyond 14 bytes. The task will then be stopped. However, if the surplus stayed with the 18 byte limit, other tasks are not effected. StackSafety may be set to zero, but if you set it to some (small) positive value, this increases the chance the check method catches an error before some the buggy behavior.

When your code is finished, and runs bug free for some time, then set StackSafety to zero and reduce all task sizes by the same amount. If then still no errors are reported, you may switch of the cfgCheckTaskStack and start working on the size of the OS stack.

This value is not added when checking the OS or ISR stack. Please note that the StackSafety parameter only has effect on the checking itself, it does not create any extra stack or use any ram. The value is limited 255 bytes, even when larger stacks are used. Note that, since the whole safety area is checked at every context switch to see if there is no offensive use, keep the numbers reasonable, or you will notice a degraded performance.

Definition at line 2071 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define StackSize_task0   8

Specify the stack of each task.

This is the most important place. Here you decide between life an death. How much stack should u give a particular task? First, make sure that, whatever you do, run protected first. Really! Now, these are point to take into consideration. -- Two nested calls are necessary to reach the saveContext, thus the minimum value is 4 bytes, or whatever that takes on you architecture, even if you save nothing on the stack. Two of these bytes are removed again, the other contain the return address and are left in place. -- Interrupts are disabled after the first call, so if you yield manually there is a slim (but non zero chance) the timer interrupt comes just after the call, and from that point on, 4 bytes are the minimum again, so with manual yielding, blocking delaying etc, add two bytes to your calculation. This risk is absent when the task run's 'forever', and is only switched at a timer interrupt. -- You need one byte for the status register. -- You need 4 bytes per group of 4 registers saved on the context -- If you use any non switching calls to the OS, they usually disable interrupts after the (nested) call. If the function takes parameters, they are usually pushed on the stack in between. Count one byte per eight bit parameter. -- Count your own nested calls! -- Note that the testing the Femto OS performs for you only takes account of the regular depth encountered. However, in real life eventually all instructions will be subject to an interrupt / context switch sometime. Also those you did not encountered on you lab table. Thus, the weird behavior may start weeks after you installed everything. Beware! -- Have a look at the assembler code! Even if you don't really understand what is happening inside, calculating the stack depth is relatively easy. Certainly you know the depth a some locations.

There is no need to remove unused parameters, if you deactivate the task, the stack is automatically excluded.

If all StackSize values are below 256, i.e. fit in one byte, only one byte is used per task to store the stack level at context switch. Stacks may be larger as 255 bytes however. 32767 at maximum.. In that case two bytes are needed per task to store the information.

Definition at line 2189 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define StackSize_task1   4

Definition at line 2190 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define StackSize_task2   4

Definition at line 2191 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define StackSize_task3   4

Definition at line 2192 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define StackSize_task4   4

Definition at line 2193 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define StackSize_task5   4

Definition at line 2194 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define StackSize_task6   4

Definition at line 2195 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define StackSize_task7   4

Definition at line 2196 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define StackSize_task8   4

Definition at line 2197 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define StackSize_task9   4

Definition at line 2198 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define StackSize_taskA   4

Definition at line 2199 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define StackSize_taskB   4

Definition at line 2200 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define StackSize_taskC   4

Definition at line 2201 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define StackSize_taskD   4

Definition at line 2202 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define StackSize_taskE   4

Definition at line 2203 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define StackSize_taskF   4

Definition at line 2204 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define StackSizeISR   8

Specify the stack of the isr.

Specify the stack size of the interrupt service routine. Such a stack is not always needed, even when using interrupts. Basically you only need it if you want to allow interrupts while in OS space. If you don't, thus have cfgIntOsProtected == cfgTrue, and use isrBegin - isrEnd constructions you also need a separate stack. If you only use isrEnter - isrExit constructions, i.e. entering the isr with context switching, you have the choice, see the option cfgIntSwitchUsesOSstack.

Check your stack manually with includeIsrStackCheck. Note that the non-switching isr's can be quite stack hungry, since it must push all registers is uses, plus some more. Value must be between 0 and 32767 (inclusive) and is in fact limited by the amount or ram the device has.

Definition at line 2107 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define StackSizeOS   20

Specify the stack of the OS.

The Femto OS is not really stack hungry and the stack can also be used to hold a number of background variables when the tasks are running. The code for these background variables never uses less than 7 bytes with all protection switched off, and never usesmore than 14 bytes with protection switched on. However, please experiment with the different values and have cfgCheckOsStack == cfgTrue while testing. This is because the stack itself may need to be larger. The StackSizeOS may not be larger than 255.

If you have activated checks, and did not treat all errors as fatal, some more OS stack is needed to recover from the error. Typically take 32 bytes as start value.

Definition at line 2088 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define StackSizeOverride   cfgOverrideNon

Specify the stack size for all tasks at once.

You can specify one fixed StackSize value for all tasks by using StackSizeOverride. If you want to specify the StackSize setting per task, set StackSizeOverride to cfgOverrideNon, and define the value for each task separately. If you define each task as well as the StackSizeOverride the latter takes precedence, so the fixed value overrides values specified per task (if unequal to cfgOverrideNon). Defining this value is not required.

This fixed value is not used to define StackSizeISR or StackSizeOS. See StackSize_[taskname] for explanation.

Definition at line 2147 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define StackSizeShared   0

Specify the size of the shared stack.

Cooperative tasks that only use a stack, but leave nothing on that stack, may use a shared stack. Since the task is left in a controlled fashion we can be sure that only the return address of the stack matters. That address is stored on a save place by the OS before the stack is used by an other task.

Cooperative stacks may not be interrupted by the tick Thus deactivate tick interrupts at startup for that task. And they may not be interrupted by an other switching interrupt. Thus deactivate global interrupts for this task or make sure no switching interrupts are used.

Tasks that want to make use of the shared stack, must define there stacksize as cfgShared. And, of course, If no task makes use of the shared stack, define 0 here.

Note that making use of a shared stack leads to extra code. Therefore it is most beneficial when all tasks are cooperative and share the stack, or when the tasks that have large stacks shared them.

Definition at line 2131 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskInclude_task0   cfgStartRunning

State which tasks are incorporated and how they are started.

Here define which tasks will be actually compiled into your system. The task is excluded by Femto OS if you set the parameter to cfgExclude. The other possibilities are cfgStartSleeping, cfgStartSuspended and cfgStartRunning which behave as can be expected by there definition.

Using the function preTaskDefined([TaskName]) you can conditionally include your c code as well. If you need to specify a task number to some method don't you numbers directly, since they may differ according to changed in this list, but use the (preprocessor) function preTaskNumberOf([TaskName]) instead, so you keep all calls number independent.

Note: The preprocessor cannot check if you define includes here for tasks that have not been previously declared with a task name. Usually this is harmless, but the preTaskDefined() may produce false results in this case.

Definition at line 1956 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskInclude_task1   cfgExclude

Definition at line 1957 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskInclude_task2   cfgExclude

Definition at line 1958 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskInclude_task3   cfgExclude

Definition at line 1959 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskInclude_task4   cfgExclude

Definition at line 1960 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskInclude_task5   cfgExclude

Definition at line 1961 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskInclude_task6   cfgExclude

Definition at line 1962 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskInclude_task7   cfgExclude

Definition at line 1963 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskInclude_task8   cfgExclude

Definition at line 1964 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskInclude_task9   cfgExclude

Definition at line 1965 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskInclude_taskA   cfgExclude

Definition at line 1966 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskInclude_taskB   cfgExclude

Definition at line 1967 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskInclude_taskC   cfgExclude

Definition at line 1968 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskInclude_taskD   cfgExclude

Definition at line 1969 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskInclude_taskE   cfgExclude

Definition at line 1970 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskInclude_taskF   cfgExclude

Definition at line 1971 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskIncludeOverride   cfgOverrideNon

Specify the tasks be included and how they are started.

You can specify one You can specify one fixed TaskInclude value for all tasks by using TaskIncludeOverride. If you want to specify the TaskInclude setting per task, set TaskIncludeOverride to cfgOverrideNon, and define the value for each task separately. If you define each task as well as the TaskIncludeOverride the latter takes precedence, so the fixed value overrides values specified per task (if unequal to cfgOverrideNon). Defining this value is not required.

See TaskInclude_[taskname] for explanation.

Definition at line 1934 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskName_task0   "taak nul"

Specify dynamic task names.

For some applications it may be handy to have task names. Femto OS does not use them internally, and of course these names consume resources. Set cfgUseTasknames == cfgTrue to include the names in flash. The names are unrelated to the static names.

There is no possibility to define a fixed task name.

Definition at line 2298 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskName_task1   "taak een"

Definition at line 2299 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskName_task2   "taak twee"

Definition at line 2300 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskName_task3   "taak drie"

Definition at line 2301 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskName_task4   "taak vier"

Definition at line 2302 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskName_task5   "taak vijf"

Definition at line 2303 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskName_task6   "taak_zes"

Definition at line 2304 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskName_task7   "taak_zeven"

Definition at line 2305 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskName_task8   "taak_acht"

Definition at line 2306 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskName_task9   "taak_negen"

Definition at line 2307 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskName_taskA   "taak_tien"

Definition at line 2308 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskName_taskB   "taak_elf"

Definition at line 2309 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskName_taskC   "taak_twaalf"

Definition at line 2310 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskName_taskD   "taak_dertien"

Definition at line 2311 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskName_taskE   "taak_veertien"

Definition at line 2312 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TaskName_taskF   "taak_vijftien"

Definition at line 2313 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TimeSlice_task0   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick

Specify how much run time each task gets per turn.

Here you determine how many subticks every task may run before the tick interrupt comes. If you choose for cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick, the task get one full tick at most. If you choose a higher number it may run for more that one tick. The tick counter gets back (lag) but after the task is interrupted this is corrected. Note that the minimum value is defMinTimeSlice and the maximum is approx 0xFF - cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick since the subtick counter should not overflow, in that case a many ticks are missed. This safety margin is for interrupts and other extra's (some OS operations etc). Many timers cannot handle 0 and it makes not much sense too.

These variable time slices only work when, cfgUseEquidistantTicks == cfgFalse except for the TimeSliceIdleTime, which must be set independently. Since you can put the system in some power save mode during idle time too (make sure timer interrupts work) it may make sense to put a longer period there. This mechanism is for busses for example which require and undisturbed time to run.

In case of cfgUseEquidistantTicks == cfgTrue you need not specify anything since every tick is equal and the tick may be shared among several tasks. In that case the values specified here are ignored.

Definition at line 2267 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TimeSlice_task1   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick

Definition at line 2268 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TimeSlice_task2   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick

Definition at line 2269 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TimeSlice_task3   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick

Definition at line 2270 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TimeSlice_task4   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick

Definition at line 2271 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TimeSlice_task5   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick

Definition at line 2272 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TimeSlice_task6   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick

Definition at line 2273 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TimeSlice_task7   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick

Definition at line 2274 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TimeSlice_task8   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick

Definition at line 2275 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TimeSlice_task9   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick

Definition at line 2276 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TimeSlice_taskA   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick

Definition at line 2277 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TimeSlice_taskB   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick

Definition at line 2278 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TimeSlice_taskC   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick

Definition at line 2279 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TimeSlice_taskD   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick

Definition at line 2280 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TimeSlice_taskE   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick

Definition at line 2281 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TimeSlice_taskF   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick

Definition at line 2282 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TimeSliceIdleTime   cfgSysSubTicksPerFullTick

Specify how much run time the idle time gets.

The TimeSliceIdleTime must be specified and and may differ from the time other tasks get. For a detailed explanation how this works see TimeSlice_[taskname].

In case of cfgUseEquidistantTicks == cfgTrue you need not specify anything since every tick is equal and the tick may be shared among several tasks. In that case the value specified here is ignored.

Definition at line 2223 of file femtoos_config.h.

#define TimeSliceOverride   cfgOverrideNon

Specify the time slices for all tasks at once.

You can specify one fixed TimeSlice value for all tasks by using TimeSliceOverride. If you want to specify the TimeSlice setting per task, set TimeSliceOverride to cfgOverrideNon, and define the value for each task separately. If you define each task as well as the TimeSliceOverride the latter takes precedence, so the fixed value overrides values specified per task (if unequal to cfgOverrideNon). Defining this value is not required.

This fixed value is not used to define TimeSliceIdleTime. In that case the value specified here is ignored. See TimeSlice_[taskname] for explanation.

Definition at line 2239 of file femtoos_config.h.

Generated on Fri Oct 16 00:05:27 2009 for FemtoOS by  doxygen 1.5.2