TtaskControlBlock Struct Reference

Per task we have one task control block which holds all dynamic information of a task. More...

#include <femtoos_types.h>

Data Fields

Tstack pcStackLevel
Tuint08 uiTaskStatus

Detailed Description

Per task we have one task control block which holds all dynamic information of a task.

This includes the status, the delay, the stack level, information about the held locks, if the task is still running, return values, nesting levels of interrupts and lock values of queues. Furthermore some task statistics are kept. Several members of the structure are optional and are only compiled in if that functionality is used.

Definition at line 207 of file femtoos_types.h.

Field Documentation

Tstack TtaskControlBlock::pcStackLevel

Definition at line 208 of file femtoos_types.h.

Referenced by genResume(), privInitOs(), privTaskInit(), and privWakeupFromLowPower().

Tuint08 TtaskControlBlock::uiTaskStatus

Definition at line 209 of file femtoos_types.h.

Referenced by genAddtoTickCount(), genGetPriority(), genResume(), genSetPriority(), genSuspend(), privDelayCalc(), privFileOpenBody(), privMakeTasksRunable(), privPutAllTasksToSleep(), privRestartBody(), privSleepBody(), privSuspendBody(), privSwitchContext(), privTaskInit(), privTerminateBody(), privWaitForEventBody(), privWaitForFsAccessBody(), privWakeupFromDelay(), privWakeupFromLowPower(), taskDisableSwitchTask(), taskEnableSwitchTask(), taskEnterSwitchCritical(), and taskExitSwitchCritical().

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Generated on Fri Oct 16 00:05:35 2009 for FemtoOS by  doxygen 1.5.2