The FemtoOS is dual licensed. For most uses the free GPLv3 license will be best. However, GPLv3 comes with a number of obligations. For example you have to publish your code along with mine if you deliver to others, even if you only use the api of Femto OS (since applications and the OS are always compiled simultaneously and are very interwoven by nature) Even if your code is embedded that obligation exists. Furthermore, if the code is flashed (and not permanently fixed) you must also publish instructions how it can be modified. See the GPLv3 for all the details.
If this is not to your liking, there is the possibility to obtain a commercial license. The advantage of the latter is that you may keep your software proprietary and do not need to mention my name or any reference to the Femto OS. Paid support can be obtained with or without (i.e. independent of) the commercial licence. This gives you prompt responses to your questions, the latest tweaks from the author and inside information. Note that, although the commercial license is targeted at large scale application, it is within reach of any company, even if your company is very small and sells only a few devices. Please contact me for the details.
Besides for Femto OS you can hire me for all kinds of work related to this. Prototype building, electronic hardware development (focus on AVR), Java and C programming and research kind of work too. I hold a PhD in physics and am an electronic engineer. Just contact me by the email address. Or look at my (very old) website.

Please note i do not own the copyright of the goose so if you want to copy it (to put on some device you made) please ask first. I assume that copying it for the sole purpose to put it on your website for a discussion about the Femto OS, and with proper reference to this website, will be OK.
Contact: | CC-BY License: Ruud Vlaming. |